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More details about the package terrorism of Conspiracy of the fiery cores

27 November 2010 / 16:11:00  GRReporter
8828 reads

The internet portal Indymedia publish a manifesto of the organization Conspiracy of the fiery cores. What makes a special impression is that the authors of the text for the first time write the definition "revolutionary organization" with the initials E.O. before the "signature" and that they present the previously unknown emblem of the group.
    In the 13 pages long manifesto members of the group indicated that they had recourse to the parcel terrorism as a sign of solidarity with anarchists who were arrested and convicted abroad, as well as with anarchists arrested in Greece.
    At the beginning of the manifesto the authors mention Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argirou and Harris Hadzimihelakis, who "with their uncompromising position and by taking the responsibility as members of "Conspiracy of the fiery cores" give us all a sign to continue the hostilities. They make us understand that new strikes would follow. They aim thier target also at the courier company employee in whose hands the first package exploded. "The actions of the particular employee are exposed to simple logic. Let's make sure that the new urban factions will not forget her name easily," they threaten. We remind that the description that the employee gave the police about the consignor of the package helped them find and arrest a little later Panagiotis Argirou and Gerasimos Tsakalos.
    Meanwhile, the group stressed that it is already divided into two autonomous and equivalent substructures. "This is us and we describe ourselves as an illegal department of the organization and the second division of the Conspiracy of the convicted members of the Organization (Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argirou and Harris Hadzimihelakis).
    Members of the group claim that "our foresight, that the correspondence of the high aristocracy is not open by them but by officials in the embassies, made us not to use powerful explosives from our warehouse, but only a small amount of hand-made black powder, so that a message to be sent without causing the wounding of a man. Also, because we forecasted the fact that the packages would remain within one day in the warehouses of the courier companies and would be submitted on the next day by couriers, we tried their mode of assembly to be absolutely safe and the mechanism to be triggered only when opening them".
    The authors of the manifesto made it clear that they will implement attacks against people stressing that "nevertheless a partisan violence of an explosive or of a political assassination cannot be compared with genocide and killings by the States, they are still a form of transferring the terror in the opposing camp". About the economic crisis they claim they are "ready to experience periods of great stress. Polarization and social conflicts are inevitable. Greece on its way on the great downhill will be the scene of major clashes. The question is who will stand on which side".
    In Indymedia was published another release of the "Conspiracy of fiery cores", in which the group invites the anarchists to carry out various attacks as a sign of solidarity to its captured members who will face court on January 17, 2011.

Tags: Conspiracy of fiery cores parcel terrorism Indymedia crime news
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