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Mission impossible - Tsipras reformer

27 July 2015 / 13:07:24  GRReporter
1869 reads

Just after the start of aggressive initiatives on the part of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to conclude an agreement with creditors, it is time to summarize the results of our latest poll in which we asked you whether he would succeed in reforming Greece. Over the past five years, we have seen that the agreements with creditors alone cannot solve Greece's problems, without the state implementing the painful and unpopular reforms. Let us now look at the readers’ votes in our three language versions.

The actions of Tsipras have failed to divide the readers’ votes on the Bulgarian page. However, the option that perceiving Tsipras as a reformer sounds more like a joke than as anticipated political actions collects the highest number of votes, as 37% of our readers support this thesis. 25% of respondents in the poll believe that the Prime Minister will not remain for long and expect elections in the autumn whereas according to 23% it is in the interest of Greece for Tsipras to succeed in implementing the reforms. A small number of readers, or 9%, consider that Tsipras has developed as a statesman and politician and that he will cope. 6% are of the opinion that the communists around the Prime Minister are hindering his good intentions for reforms.

The situation on the English page of GRReporter is similar, but with a few additional shades. 39% of readers’ votes are in favour of the opinion that the words 'reform' and 'Tsipras' are only compatible in a political joke. The percentage of those who believe that it is in the interest of Greece that he succeeds is higher than the percentage on the Bulgarian page, namely 25%. The option that the Prime Minister would not withstand the pressure to which he is subject from all sides, namely from his opponents and the internal opposition of SYRIZA, and disappointed voters. However, 15% believe that Tsipras has developed as a statesman and politician and he will be able to cope with this complex situation. Only 5% blame the failure of the Prime Minister on the communists around him.

The results on the Greek version of our website are interesting, as the perceptions of our readers are most pronounced. 44% believe that the notion of Tsipras as a reformer sounds like a joke. 26% hope he will succeed for Greece’s sake. About 15% of our readers consider that his governance is approaching its logical end and expect elections in the autumn. Unlike the other two language versions, 11% share the view that the communist entourage of the Prime Minister is to blame for his failure in the reforms. Only 4% think he has developed as a statesman, believing that Tsipras will cope with the difficult reforms.

It is obvious that, generally, our readers do not perceive Tsipras as someone who has the political strength and will to carry out the serious reforms lying ahead of Greece. The expectation of early elections in the autumn that is becoming increasingly stronger is indicative of the deepening contradictions in the party and of the lack of consensus among the coalition partners.

Recent revelations about former Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis have provoked us to ask you, "Do you think there are sufficient grounds to bring to court Yanis Varoufakis?" Do not forget to justify your vote in the comments section below the poll.


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