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Michalis Hatziyannis and his red Ferrari

28 August 2014 / 16:08:00  GRReporter
2916 reads

Yesterday the Athens Prosecutor's Office opened a case against singer Michalis Hatziyannis for false data submission. It is about a declaration submitted ​​by his accountant in connection with the theft of the registration plates of his luxury Ferrari.

The investigation carried out by the competent authorities established that the submitted information was false and they opened a court file against both the accountant and the singer.

The declaration of the theft was filed on Tuesday and according to it, "on 24-25 August, while the vehicle was parked in Glyfada neighbourhood, its registration plates were stolen."

The police investigation made it clear that the car has been intended for sale since 2009 and its registration plates have been kept by the employee of the respective car dealer.

Having clarified these facts the authorities apprehended the singer and his accountant and brought them before a prosecutor, who accused them of false data submission. A further investigation has been ordered to completely clarify the case, and the two detainees have been released.

According to sources, the car had been legally imported in Greece in 2008. Michalis Hatziyannis however did not have the full amount to buy the luxury car and the importer has retained ownership of the vehicle.

Three months ago, the singer decided to sell the car and found a buyer who was ready to pay 70,000 euro to obtain the sparkling red Ferrari showcased in the show room on Mesogion Avenue.

According to the same sources, the accountant and the singer planned to declare the theft of the registration plates in order to obtain new ones with which to sale the car.

So, the accountant of the singer appeared on Tuesday at the police station and declared the theft of the luxury car’s registration plates.

The case was commented by the singer's lawyer Ioannis Foskolos. "I declare that the case about the car owned by Michalis Hatziyannis that is of media concern today is due to a misunderstanding. All data to prove this will be presented to the competent authorities dealing with the case. I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that the case is in the pre-trial stage and no one has been apprehended, as unreasonably stated by some media."

Michalis Hatziyannis’ response

Last night, Michalis Hatziyannis, surprised by all the different posts about him, some of which he perceived as a personal attack, stated for "Ethnos" newspaper exclusive, "The car in question is my property. I withdrew it from circulation in 2008, as I decided to sell it. There has been some misunderstanding until a new buyer is found that is almost resolved."

Tags: Michalis HatziyannisFerrariPre-trial caseFalse dataProsecutor's Office
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