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Men attract with their ability to achieve wealth and success in life

12 April 2014 / 19:04:14  GRReporter
5409 reads


One of the recent themes I presented was about women’s "weapons" which each woman uses in order to "catch" a partner, hold his attention and make him love her for life. Men and women are different. Their "weapons" in terms of intimate relationships are different, too. In fact, specifically in the area of partnerships, astrological indicators for both sexes are interpreted differently. Therefore, I will dedicate a separate article to men – what is their masculine appeal which draws the attention and desire of women.

In life, not only women but also men often try to emulate someone else who is known to be successful in terms of dealing with the opposite sex. In this regard, I will repeat that the appeal of others would hardly work for you. Almost everyone holds very strong individuality and it is sometimes paradoxical how this individuality literally disappears in their approach to life. You’d better know your own strengths and follow them. Men are successful among women for one reason only – they do not imitate anyone and follow their own nature and instinct.

Feminine weapon Number One is always the appearance, though it is not the deciding factor in the end. Appearance and beauty is a transient phenomenon. I do not mean the age of a woman literally - even the most beautiful woman becomes a "habit" for the man in only 1, 2 or 3 years, since he sees her every day even if she is in her most beautiful age. For you, dear men, the Number One weapon is also the appearance - a strong muscular body and physics. Muscle strength is instinctively associated with your ability to deal with challenges in life, to take care of the woman (and children afterwards) and protect and maintain her life. However, it is not a decisive factor that you will be able to conquer the desired woman.

The most important element of attractiveness is on the inside - your individuality and ability to achieve wealth and success in life. This type of attraction can hold the attention and desire of the woman next to you, so that you could be the only one for her and become the centre of her life. It is no coincidence that successful men, even if they are not attractive at all, but possess serious financial and power resources, are always surrounded by women.

Women are created to have an instinct to gravitate around their husbands and live in his world, to see him as a personal "Sun", which gives them wealth and good life. In astrology, Mars and the Sun are both male planets which characterize male attractiveness - they define your personal "weapons" in your relations with women. Mars forms the surface - activity, strength, power, and muscles. This is the "container" which attracts the eye. The sun sets the most important element - its position shows the man with a capital "M" in you. This is your most powerful weapon when it comes to making a woman gravitate around you and devote her life to you.

The Sun in our system is actually a star, and not a planet and all the planets revolve around it, since it only has its own light. This is the man in the eyes of a woman. When analysing what the advantages and attractiveness of a man are, the Sun is the main characteristic. It shows how men keep women, what attracts them most and what you are as a man. It shows your masculinity. Of course there are different types of masculinity – they cannot all be the same and that is the purpose of my theme - to introduce you to what's your personal, individual attraction.

I will focus primarily on the Sun and what is your most powerful weapon as a man. I will described the characteristics in their pure form and it is desirable to keep in mind that these characteristics are modified by all the planets with which the Sun has a "relationship" or in astrological language - aspects.

Read the information about the sign in which Mars falls in your individual horoscope. This will give you a more complete picture about what a woman notices you initially.

The Sun in Aries

Aries is a fire sign and is ruled by Mars - the planet of impulse, passion, action, and activity. You are most closely related to the pure archetype of strength and masculinity and therefore are a favourite of women. You rarely doubt in yourself and your abilities and in this way you are the most liked men. Even your insolence and arrogance suit you so naturally, that they just make you inexplicably attractive. Your strength of mind and will are your strongest weapon. Your audacity and courage, as well as the fact that you not stop for anything or anyone, your constant competition with others, as well as your fighting spirit and aggressiveness and lack of any fear - these are your most charismatic features which attract and keep women around you.

The Sun in Taurus

Tags: masculine attractiveness the Sun and Mars in the individual horoscope stars and planets Astro School Galy
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