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Maniac shooter in Athens arrested

28 December 2009 / 09:12:21  GRReporter
3080 reads

Maniac shooter, who wounded five people and panicked Athens turned out to be 31 years old Greek citizen. Today Ilias Brestas faced the public prosecutor, who will sue him for five murders and breach of the law for gun ownership.

Tomorrow Brestas will testify before the 16th ranked investigator, who asked for an expert conclusion by a physiatrist. The lawyer of the shooter says his client does not remember what he did.

In three days, from December 20th until December 22nd Brestas was spreading death on the streets of Athens. He was driving a Cherokee Jeep and was shooting a 9mm gun. Four people were injured – 16 years old kid from Afganistan, 45 years old Bulgarian citizen and two Greek citizens – a man and a woman with serious trauma from the gunshots.

A gun shot in the air was what betrayed him. The cartridge case was found n the house of a female citizen in Koridalos. The police caught the shooter after they collected a lot of information from people, who helped for his fast arrest. Minutes before that the police received an anonymous phone call for the location of the car and it’s owner. At the examination of the jeep initially there were found cartridge cases of 9mm gun and later on in his house was found the weapon, from which were shot 12 bullets. The official notice of the police was few hours late until the ballistic examination proves with certainty that this exactly is the maniac shooter. In the past days the police examined over 100 jeeps similar to the ones of the shooter.


Ilias Brestas has no crime record. He works with cars. He comes from a good family. His father Sotiris Brestas is a university teacher in Athens. At present he is on vacation abroad. He was shocked by the news that his son is armed and has shot people who he doesn’t even know. Uncle of the shooter is a physics teacher, who also has a good name in society.

Today Ilias Brestas will be faced with the public prosecutor. In the past few days he wounded four people, two of them have serious injuries. One of them is a Bulgarian citizen.

Tags: maniac shooter arrest Crime news
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