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Kozonis wants to bring a prosecutor to AEK

29 December 2009 / 11:12:53  GRReporter
3875 reads


American entrepreneur from Greek origin Haralambos Kozonis wants the immediate rendition of the entire stocks of AEK. For a TV channel in Chicago he showed documents, which prove his ability to pay €95 million, which can be used at any moment. He also showed other documents, which are necessary to take AEK out of its tragic situation.

Kozonis appealed to the management of AEK to stop undermining the teams’ prestige, but instead to obtain all necessary documents available and to be entrusted with the managerial position as soon as possible because enough time has been lost until now. As it has become clear the capital of Kozonis comes from a reliable fund in America, but its name remains secret.

The interview came as a response to the criticisms and demands made to the entrepreneur by the shareholders of AEK, who two weeks ago announced that for them the question of Kozonis taking from AEK is completed. According to them he has not fulfilled the prerequisite to prove that he has the minimum amount of €19 million in a personal account.

As a further complication AEK indicated that instead of originals Kozonis has submitted copies of recommendation letters from “insignificant” banks, as well as copies of documents without e-mail addresses, without websites, without formal letters, which by itself means that the investors with whom Kozonis works are of dubious solvency. In their statement AEK shareholders even accused Kozonis to pretend to be "good Samaritan" by taking €5 million from a bank only with a letter of guarantee given by AEK, without actually losing much.

Kozonis in his turn was disappointed by the reversal of the situation and reproached Petros Pappas, that has not been fully candid in his statements. Initially Pappas has denied to be leader of other investor candidates, however, later this was proven to be false and even some specific names appeared. Kozonis was also disappointed by the manner in which he was granted the requested by him during the negotiations documentation - from the sent proxies, only two were certified with a stamp by the police and the others were sent by e-mail (by which, according to an investor they lose their credibility) but nevertheless he and his associates have adopted documents.

The checks he wanted to do have proved to be impossible and when AEK found out he wants to send a prosecutor, they got scared. Kozonis said that in his career as an investor up until now he hasn’t had such bitter experience and believes that the entire transaction was stopped by dishonest means. Nevertheless, the Greek-American investor will not give up easily on his goal.


Tags: AEK soccer football Kozonis
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