Photos: To Vima, Ethnos
Chaos reigns in Korydallos prison where the most dangerous terrorists and offenders in Greece are serving their sentences. The overcrowded cells and the insufficient number of warders gave rise to an anarchy from which the members of one of the bloodiest terrorist organizations, "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei", had taken advantage.

They had undertaken to establish order in the prison, which had led to the notorious party with Christodoulos Xiros and the dangerous terrorists from "17 November", serving multiple life sentences for six murders and five attempted murders. After receiving a 9-day leave from prison, Xiros refused to return to his cell and now the police are searching for him. Yesterday a prize of four million euro was announced for his head.

The shameful stain attached to the prison administration in connection with Xiros’ leaves, namely 7 leaves over the past 15 months, has called for a new director. The Ministry of Justice has removed Maria Stefi from that post and appointed Hara Koutsoumihali, recent director of the prison in the city of Thebes. It has removed from office ten more warders who are being questioned by investigators.
In 2012, Maria Stefi became the first female director of Korydallos prison. Years earlier, her father George Stefis had held this post. She is the mother of two children. A few months ago, a clockwork bomb exploded in her car parked outside her house in the Athens district of Daphne.
The new director Hara Koutsoumihali has already worked in the system of Greek justice for 28 years.