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"Kings" of real estate in the Greek Parliament

04 October 2011 / 17:10:10  GRReporter
7798 reads

The extra property tax voted last week by the Greek Parliament provoked violent responses from Greek society and a new wave in the "I won't pay" movement. However, if the ordinary Greek is called upon to pay tax on the only, one, flat he lives in, his deputies in parliament will have to delve deeper into their pockets. When the properties are many the poll tax is high, and some deputies could be announced "kings" of the property market in Greece.

The Vice-President of the Greek government Theodoros Pangalos said that he would have to sell some of his properties to pay the extra tax on real estate. This could be true, after he was sent tax receipts for about € 20,000.

The leader of the New Democracy opposition party Andonis Samaras will have to pay € 11,000, even though he and his party voted against the introduction of the tax.

The winner in the property category in the Greek Parliament is the deputy from the ruling PASOK party Evtihios Damianakis from Hania in Crete. Despite the fact that the declaration stating how he acquired his property in 2008 had 72 entries, only 20 of them corresponded to real estate.

The President of the newly founded left party Fotis Kouvelis owns eight properties, for which he will have to pay additional tax amounting to f € 3,232. Prime Minister George Papandreou will bring in to state funds € 4,555 for two properties in the Athens suburb of Nea Eritrea and two more in Patras.

Ministry of Finance officials estimated the tax payments that the political leaders and lawmakers - "champions" in the property field will make comparing the properties they declared in 2008 and the real estate values ​​in 2007. The extra tax is calculated approximately, without taking into account each individual property age that applies in determining the tax.

Here are the winners of the "Greek Parliament awards" for having the highest number of properties:
Former Deputy Minister of Employment Anna Dalaras and her husband - world-famous singer George Dalaras - own 45 properties. Their houses are located in expensive Athens neighbourhoods like Filothei, Psichico, Agia Paraskevi, and Papagou; on the islands of Syros, Paros and Antiparos, and in the regions of Kinuriya in the Peloponnese and Magnesia in Thessaly. The tax contribution they will have to pay is € 25,389, equal to a good annual income for the average Greek. Of course, the Dalaras family budget will not suffer particularly from the imposition of the tax. They will pay € 9,200 only for two of their properties with a total area of 1,200 sq. m, located in the expensive suburb of Filothei. The other "pearls" of the family, "swelling" the bill are three properties onAntiparos, which will cost them around € 4,600 and the property in the area Vary Posidoniyas of Syros, which adds a further € 1,500 to the amount.

The former "king" of the Greek economy in the New Democracy government, Yiannis Papathanasiou, and his wife Elena will also pay a significant tax contribution. Their estimated extra tax exceeds € 22,000, because it applies to 31 properties. Most of them are in Athens and its suburbs Kifissia and Psichico, two in Pallini, one in Glika nera and one in Fokida in central Greece. Eleven of the properties are registered in the name of the former minister and his percentage of ownership in many of the remaining is 50 per cent. He owns 30 per cent of eleven flats on Miauli Street and 50 per cent of five flats on Ermou Street in downtown Athens. The biggest property that half belongs to him is 667 sq. m in Kifissia. He has another flat with an area of 410 sq. m in the same expensive suburb.

A week ago, the Vice-President of the Greek government Theodoros Pangalos provoked mixed reactions by saying that he is unable to pay the extra tax; therefore, the Minister of Finance could "send me to jail." The longtime deputy and minister in the PASOK government is the owner of 32 properties that he inherited from his family. The total amount he will have to pay for them is € 19,075. He estimated that it would not exceed € 17,500, so he will wait to see what is written in the electricity bill, which he will get after a few weeks.

Former Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis will also have to delve deeper into his pocket. The total amount he will have to pay for 14 properties, one of which is located on the cosmopolitan island of Mykonos, is around € 14,000. The most expensive of his properties has a total area of ​​222 sq. m and is located in the suburb of Filothei. Second on the list is a flat in Athens with an area of 250 sq. m. Added to the list are a house in Rafina, the property in the village of Proti near Serres, plus other properties in Athens, Rafina and Thessaloniki.

The former foreign minister and now leader of Democratic Alliance Dora Bakogianni will pay around € 13,000. As an heir to a wealthy family it is not difficult for her to pay the extra tax, burdening the "mere" Greeks. Dora Bakogianni is the owner of flats on two of the most expensive streets in Athens - Aravantinou and Dionisiou Areopagitou. For them, she will pay € 3,000 and 3,200. Her house in the village of Gorgianades in the Evritaniya area is 400 sq. m and adds a significant amount to the high contribution.

According to this method of calculation, New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras' "due" tax is almost € 12,000. His house on Emmanuel Benaki Street in the suburb of Kifissia is "responsible" for most of the tax payment, namely € 4,500. A 335 sq. m flat on Mourouzi Street, a 134 sq. m flat on Dimokritou Street in the capital's district of Kolonaki and a commercial site with an area of 132 sq. m in Nauplion add to the list of "burdensome" property of the leader of the Greek opposition.

Tags: PoliticsDeputiesPropertyExtra taxHigh contributions
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