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The jackpot amounts to 9 million euro, the draw is on Thursday

30 November 2015 / 11:11:11  GRReporter
5286 reads

The Sunday draw of the Joker game of the Greek sweepstake ended with no lucky winner. The lucky numbers were 19, 32, 31, 10, 2 and the joker 13. Eight coupons guessed 5 numbers and each of them will receive 69,518 euro. 95 lucky winners who guessed 4 numbers and the Joker will receive 2,500 euro each.
    The total number of coupons sold for the Sunday draw was 1,936,694.

The next draw will be on Thursday, 3rd December.

Tags: JackpotJoker gameGreek sweepstakeCupounsThursday draw 3 DecemberGain
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