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If you want to put on a modern bikini on this year, but do not want to walk the beach wrapped in a towel, you have a good reason to take care of your body. Even if you are not a beach fan, everyone likes to look good.
It’s not that easy, but there are a few tactical moves that can help you come closer to the desired shape.
Here are 9 tips for you to read:
Pay Attention to Hunger
You must have already noticed that when you eat big and rich portions, you feel hungrier. This is due to the fact that the stomach sensors lose part of their sensitivity and send a message to the brain that you are not satiated enough, even if you eat more than normal.
Regulate these sensors, eat the right portions of foods low in fat, rich in fibre, fruits and vegetables that will effectively satisfy your hunger and will send the right messages to the brain.
Start by Eating Grapefruit
Grapefruit acid slows digestion, and as a result you feel satiated longer. Moreover, half a grapefruit contains 64 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.
See your Friends while…Walking
Rather than sitting down again in a bar, drinking a cocktail, enjoy the company of friends while walking around the city. There may be complaints in the beginning, but being with somebody while taking exercise is an additional motive. Furthermore, time passes quickly that way.
Stifle your Appetite with… a Soup
A study by an American University shows that eating soup with low fat before the main meal can reduce the calories for the next meal by 20%.
Find Time for Aerobic Exercises

One of the most effective ways to burn fat in the abdominal area is doing aerobic exercises. According to a study, aerobic exercises burn 67% more fat compared to gymnastics for losing weight.
Indulge in Dark Chocolate
Monounsaturated fatty acids contained in dark chocolate help the body burn fat around the belly, but this chocolate’s flavonoids (three times more compared to milk chocolate) maintain the arteries "clean", protecting them from diseases. Dark chocolate retains the feeling of satiety longer and assists weight loss.
Try Alternative Abdominal Exercises
Stretch out your legs and support your body like a surfboard, with outstretched arms below the level of your shoulders. Then, while keeping your abs tight, bend your left leg and touch your left knee to the left elbow.
Repeat the exercise 20 times, on both sides, combine it with a 30-minute aerobics program 5-6 times a week and you will quickly achieve good results.
Invest in Vegetable Fibre
Note that for each 10 grams vegetable fibre you consume on a daily basis, 4% less fats are accumulated in your belly. Fibres are found in many forms - in apples, beans, and vegetables, so you have a huge choice.
Make a Strategic Order in the Restaurant
Very often, when we go out with friends, we wait for them to order first. It is better to stop doing that because the influence of others is often more negative, especially if they order something unsuitable for a diet. You order first by choosing something dietic and thus you will set the line for the others making similar orders.