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If something goes wrong in the first half of April, it will go completely wrong

26 March 2011 / 19:03:13  GRReporter
5228 reads

   In this article I will inform you what the "climate" features are for the period 1st-15th April and who will be affected by them. This climate affects people in a different way. Note whether in your personal horoscope there are planets in the areas I will mention. In the gallery attached to the article there is a table with the keywords, because the planets are related to different areas of life.

    I will write at the top which areas in the zodiac are affected in the second half of February. I will also write the dates in which the Sun is approximately in those areas and thus affects the people born on these dates regardless of year. For the remaining planets it is necessary for people to check their personal horoscope.

4 ° - 10 ° Gemini (people born between 26th and 31st May)

8 ° - 14 ° Cancer (people born between 30th of June and 6th of July)

14 ° - 20 ° Cancer (people born between 6th and 12th  July)

21 ° - 27 ° Cancer (people born between 13th and 20th July)

26 ° Cancer - 2 ° Leo (people born between 19th and 25th July)

6 ° - 12 ° Virgo (those born between 29th August and 4th September)

14 ° - 20 ° Capricorn (people born between 4th and 10th January)

16 ° - 22 ° C Pisces (people born between 7th and 13th March)

Look in the table which planet this is about and connect the key words for it with what I wrote.

In the beginning I want to comment on the days in the second half of March. In my article on the astrological climate for this period I stated that it has the potential to be seriously groundbreaking and shocking, especially after March 19th. Well, the news came a little bit early, but they came. Unfortunately. I did not expect that it was Mother Nature who will take the role of one who is willing to gamble with life through the earthquake in Japan. Such earthquakes that take the lives of many people are not uncommon. But what happened at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is a serious and unexpected shock to everyone. In Libya as well we see exactly what the astrological climate herald - striving to penetrate and cross the border even in the literal sense to jump into the unknown, the ambition of being the first to shake up the lives of others, to make them follow you.

This trend will also continue during the first half of April. I assume that more events of this type are also possible - which will be bright, sharp and lead us to start thinking, to go beyond the unimportant issues.

But now more likely the issue of who would be first will be more active. "Call of the Wild." As if no one hears that communication is necessary. It is possible that we witness events, which lack all logic, the most important will be who will cross the finish line first, regardless of the consequences - through words or actions. We will observe this also in an individual plan.

Too many promises are spoken and many of them will be violated. Be careful what you promise or if someone promises you something.

In the first half of April, Mercury is in its retrograde phase. Mercury is the planet responsible for communication, information, mental connections, skilful hands, detail, movement in all its forms. All this undergoes some challenge and unusual external situations emerge. For the normal life of the people this can be quite confusing and intimidating. When Mercury is Retrograde we begin to doubt whether we are talking what we must, we often change the direction of our thoughts and decisions, we might make a mistake with something important that would slow us down. In general there is a tendency that each person only hears himself and his own thoughts.

The symbolism of this retrogression of Mercury includes the following: If something goes wrong, it goes completely wrong, to the extent that it can hardly be fixed. For better or worse you may be stubborn to the extreme - to continue to drive your broken and moaning from the various "ills" car, until it finally stops completely, leaving you in the middle of the road and on top of everything be in an almost irreparable condition.
Whenever you encounter the greatest confusion it is the time for forceful and abrupt change, to finish a stage, to sacrifice something in order to make the next step.

The period April 1st to 15th for people who have a planet in the area:

8 ° - 14 ° Cancer

is the beginning of a very emotional time. It is accompanied by the ability to get in touch with people and circumstances that give you a guarantee for support and prosperity.

I pay special attention to the people with personal planets in these are - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus. Because on the one hand the sign of Cancer is the bearer of what we call emotional expression and on the other hand you are going into a period in which all this will be strongly injected. In all directions - from bitter tears to the ecstasy, from I hate you to I love you with a constant change between "I know what I want" and "I really don’t know what I want." Your emotional system will go through many radical changes and swings in the extremes.

Tags: astroschool Galy planets horoscope star signs Mercury Retrograde
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