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A huge fire in the southern Peloponnese

17 July 2015 / 12:07:17  GRReporter
2517 reads

A large area of ​​low vegetation in Laconia region in the southern Peloponnese has been on fire since early morning.

So far, it is not clear how the fire broke out. It is threatening to envelop the village of Faraklo and due to strong winds in the region, it is moving east to the village of Lachi. According to some sources, there is a second fire front near the village of Castagna.

Photo: Facebook/Humble Lore

Deputy Mayor Yiannis Sourlas who is in charge of civil protection has reported that the service has received information on burnt houses in the village of Faraklo. He has pointed out that, for the time being, the services are unable to reach the village to assess the situation from a short distance. According to him, currently the fire is raging in an inaccessible region near the village of Lachi.

Photo: Facebook/Humble Lore

The residents of the villages that are surrounded by flames are not at risk as they have been evacuated from their homes in time.

Photo: Facebook/Humble Lore

The fire fighting operation involves 45 fire engines with more than 100 firefighters, a team of 14 other people and 4 fire engines of the local municipality. Two Canadair firefighting aircraft set off to the region at 06:30 am and they are now taking part in the fire extinguishing. A little later, the operation involved two other aircraft and one helicopter. Strong winds are blowing in the region, seriously hampering the attempts to extinguish the fire.


Tags: FireForest areaSouthern PeloponneseLaconiaEvacuated villages
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