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Hrisohoidis: Kuneva's case is shame for us

30 November 2009 / 17:11:12  GRReporter
4124 reads

Maria Spassova

The failure of police to detect and capture the perpetrator of the attack against Konstantina Kuneva is great shame for us and we should fix things as soon as possible, said Minister of Public Defense Mihalis Hrisoihoidis at a meeting with foreign reporter in Athens. “We must arrest him and send him in front of Kuneva’s son and in front of the whole world. I promise you,” also said Hrisohoidis, evidently excited and affected by the case. He also said that Konstantina’s file has been reopened and the Minister together with investigators is working hard on the case every day.

“The investigation on my case has not been reopened. My lawyers and I are fighting for this to happen,” said from hospital room Konstantina Kuneva and explained: “The case is not reopened. It has been ordered for me to give testimony in front of the investigator for the second time, because the first time I was in severe condition and I was almost sedated.” She has still not talked to the investigators. Konstantina Kuneva was monstrously splashed with acid on December 23 last year and since then she is in the Athenian hospital Evangelismos. Until now she has lived through 8 live saving surgeries and she is going to undergo another 10. Until now her attackers have not been found and given to the police.

Mihalis Hrisohoidis announced big reforms, which the Greek police is undertaking. He announced the creation of Services Fighting Organized Crime, in which 100 scientists will be appointed, who are of highest level in Greece. The new division will replace the “Security” division in Attica and it will include departments fighting against online crime, human trafficking, drugs, weapons and money, economic criminality and terrorism. “Today’s terrorism is connected to organized crime and a very dangerous symbiosis has occurred between terrorists and simple criminals, who have centered their anger towards young policemen. We will put an end to this,” promised Hrisohoidis.

The Minister of Public Defense announced reforms in policies relating to immigrants and giving refugee status. He said that on December 10 the new bill will be ready, which will have a much lighter procedure for giving refugee status. Greece has been criticized very often by the European Court for its lazy policies regarding refugees. Only 0.1% of the immigrants, who apply for this status receive it. For the other European countries this percentage is 25%. Mihalis Hrisohoidis said that over 1000 immigrants have voluntarily asked to return to their countries and they will be sponsored by the Greek government.  

Tags: Konstantina Kouneva Bulgarians in Greece Acid attack
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