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House arrest with an electronic bracelet

02 March 2013 / 14:03:03  GRReporter
3984 reads

A bracelet will allow offenders with already imposed penalties to serve the rest of their sentences at their permanent address of residence, i.e. a house arrest, or at another chosen location. The main requirement is that these people must wear an electronic bracelet containing a microchip on their arm or leg. Detainees who wear this bracelet have a round-the-clock connection with special equipment. This measure does not apply to those convicted of involvement in terrorist or criminal organisations.

Minister of Justice Antonis Roupakiotis proposed the bill, on electronic means of surveillance of defendants and convicted prisoners on leave, for discussion, which will end on 11 March. According to this bill, those who are sentenced to prison may apply to be released, provided that they serve the remainder of their sentences under house arrest and under electronic surveillance. This can happen in the case where they have served 2/5 of their sentence, and in the case of life imprisonment, have served at least 16 years. In the case of several sentences, those convicted must have served two fifths of each of these. In any case, those sentenced may be released under electronic surveillance if they have served 20 years. The measure excludes those convicted of treason.

At a predetermined time, those who wear a bracelet can go out of the house of their arrest for work, education or training, or because of participation in an approved programme for support and giving up drugs or alcohol, or in order to perform imposed duties. Their release under house arrest can be withdrawn, if the conditions are not met.

According to the bill, decisions for the release under house arrest will be taken by the Council of Regional Judges at the place of conviction. Those convicted will not be called to this Council. If their application is not accepted, they may submit a new one in two months. Minors may be released under house arrest if they have served one third of their sentences. Their application must be accompanied by a report from the social office.

If someone tries to avoid surveillance and removes, damages, or tries to influence the bracelet, or the electronic surveillance system, or counterfeits related personal data, he or she will be punished with up to one year's imprisonment. The same penalty will be imposed on those who avoid electronic surveillance in case of failure or malfunction of the electronic system.

The accused person will pay for the bracelet, unless it is decided that he or she cannot do so for economic reasons. In this case, it will be paid for by the state.

Those who are sentenced to life imprisonment under the Act on Drugs may be released under house arrest with electronic surveillance if they have served at least 18 years.

Tags: house arrest sentence electronic bracelet surveillance
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