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The green soap or the secret of beauty, inherited from the ancient Greeks

29 November 2014 / 19:11:59  GRReporter
3983 reads

Green soap owes its colour to its main ingredients, olives and olive oil. Their therapeutic qualities have been known since ancient times; apart from olives, it is also produced from other plants and vegetable oils, retaining a large percentage of their beneficial qualities.

The diverse uses of olive oil and its softening and cleansing properties turn it into something more than a healthy diet ingredient. Although many believe using it in the manufacture of soap is old-fashioned, olive oil remains a major ingredient of green soap.

Apart from being the beauty secret of many women, olive oil has medicinal properties and alleviates skin problems such as psoriasis or dermatitis. Its greatest advantage is its ability to protect your skin against dehydration and drying.

Here are some of the reasons why it is worth revisiting.

Extremely moisturizing

Green soap cleanses the skin without depriving it of fat, unlike other types of soaps. Its natural ingredients leave the pores free, allowing perspiration to take place. This way it protects the cells of the epidermis. Green soap also contains glycerine that keeps the hydration of the skin by adding water. This ingredient has been removed from other soaps.

Fewer side effects

Green soap’s natural origins make it hypoallergenic. Therefore, it is the safest choice for sensitive skins. Olive oil is safe even for babies due to its softening properties. Most types of green soap contain exclusively natural components, safe for humans, unlike some other types of soaps, which contain elements that are toxic to the skin.

Rich in antioxidants

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals. The vitamins E and A it contains are absorbed by the body and are very useful however you might use it: in soap or as food. Furthermore, olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties, helps the respiratory system, protects the skin, wards off heart and digestive conditions. And these are not the only health benefits it can offer.

It is durable and has a distinctive smell

Unlike the strong smells of the other soaps that often cause irritation to sensitive skin, green soap has a mild fruity aroma. It is firm and does not produce much foam, but has greater durability than most similar products.

Many of the soaps on the market are produced from animal fat. In contrast, green soap, even if it is not made from olive oil but from other natural ingredients, is a good choice for environmentalists who abstain from using animal products.

Diverse use

The beneficial properties of green soap are not limited to personal hygiene, but might be a factor in keeping your home clean. It is ideal for washing baby clothes because of its natural ingredients. Dissolved in water, it is an efficient house cleaner. It has bleaching properties, and if you mix it with white vinegar, it becomes a wonderful bathroom and kitchen cleaner. It can be used in a solution for spraying your plants to protect them from insects and diseases.

Tags: green soap olive oil useful properties
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