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Greeks turn their backs on political parties

01 January 2012 / 17:01:06  GRReporter
3039 reads

Another poll of Kappa Research shows that the Greeks have turned their backs on political parties. Absolute winner of the poll are those who do not want or cannot reply and New Democracy gets almost twice as many votes as PASOK in voting attitudes - 21.4 vs. 12.6 per cent respectively.

The priority for 77.2% of the respondents is keeping the country in the eurozone. The majority of voters also want coordination between the parties supporting the government in the negotiations with the supervisory Troika and elections after the bond exchange negotiations (PSI), which are expected to be completed in April.

In particular, those who have not yet decided for whom they will vote are 29.5%. New Democracy gets 21.4%, PASOK - 12.6%, the Greek Communist Party ΚΚΕ - 9.3%, the left coalition SYRIZA - 6.2%, the far-right party LAOS - 5.3%, Democratic Left – 5%, Environmentalists – Green - 2.8%, the Democratic Alliance of Dora Bakogiannis - 2.5% and Arma politon movement  - 1%. 4.4% of respondents replied that they would vote for another party.

If there is no independent government in the next elections, 40.1% of the voters would prefer Lucas Papademos to be Prime Minister, and 35.4% would prefer the leader of the party winning the highest number of votes.

Lucas Papademos also received the most positive feedback among voters (66%), followed by Fotis Kouvelis (51.4%), Antonis Samaras (35%), Alexis Tsipras (30.6%), Αleka Papariga (26%) George Karatzaferis (22.2%), Dora Bakogiannis (21%) and George Papandreou (18.8%).

As for the timing of elections, 56.2% of the respondents believe that they should be held "in April when the negotiations on PSI are considered to be concluded" and 37.7% think they should be held "at the end of the four-year mandate, but the parties should support Papademos’ government until then."

77.2% of the respondents believe that the political leadership of Greece has to do "everything necessary to keep the country in the eurozone" while 16% say they "prefer to return to the drachma."

51.8% of the respondents prefer the party that they supported during the last elections to vote "for" the new treaty compared with 33.7% who responded "no." With regard to the negotiations with the Troika, 56.9% believe that the political parties supporting the government should coordinate their actions for firmer negotiations, while 34.4% prefer the government of Papademos to stand aside to allow the government, which would have a clear mandate from the people to hold the negotiations.

As to the internal problems of PASOK, 72.7% believe that the party should propose a leader before the elections. If an open vote for the leadership position in PASOK was organized, 77.1% said they would rather or certainly not vote, while 20.7% responded that they would rather or certainly vote.

When asked who would be elected the leader of PASOK, 29.8% of those who gave a positive answer to the previous question indicated Evangelos Venizelos, and 27.4% - Andreas Loverdos.

The poll was conducted on 28 and 29 December in the country through a telephone interview among 1004 people, based on the data from the 2009 elections.

Tags: PollKappa ResearchPolitical partiesAttitude
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