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The Greek parliament overwhelmingly supported the agreement with creditors

11 July 2015 / 14:07:05  GRReporter
1972 reads

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is going to Brussels, armed with the strong support the request for the continuation and completion of negotiations with partners received in the Greek Parliament. The aim is to reach an agreement until tomorrow. In his statement straight after the vote, Tsipras said a positive outcome of the negotiations would be his priority. With the phrase "one thing at a time," he consigned to the backburner the domestic political resistance he will have to deal with.

The prime minister managed to co-opt a broad political front in favour of the country's European development. All MPs hailing from New Democracy, PASOK and Potami supported his proposal in parliament. A total of 251 deputies voted "for". However, the government sustained losses from the parliamentary procedure. 17 SYRIZA MPs withdrew their support for the government's motion: 8 of them abstained and the rest were absent from the floor. Another 15 SYRIZA lawmakers voted 'for', but listed their objections in a letter and warned they might deny their support for the laws incorporating the bailout. Parliament Zoe Konstandopoulou and cabinet ministers Panagiotis Lafazanis and Dimitris Stratoulis were adamantly against the motion. They 'abstained' in the vote.

All scenarios for tomorrow are open. Those SYRIZA MPs who were against the government proposal may be asked to leave parliament. Some sort of restructuring will certainly take place. Among the options facing the prime minister is a government of national unity. Early elections are another.

Tags: parliamentary support proposal voting negotiations
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