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Greek authorities seek potential collaborators of the attacker in Burgas

26 September 2012 / 14:09:28  GRReporter
3010 reads

Greek intelligence services have established a Greek parameter in the bomb attack in Burgas on 18 July that killed five Israeli tourists and the driver of the bus, which was transporting them, writes the today's edition of the Greek newspaper To Vima.

According to the information received, several months earlier - in March this year, the attacker tried to enter Greece through the border with Turkey in Evros, presenting himself as a citizen of Venezuela.

The main suspect appeared at the border crossing point Kipi – Ipsala on 14 March this year. He said he was a citizen of the Latin American country and presented his documents. While checking them, the Greek border authorities found that they were forged and they confiscated them. Then, the authorities prohibited him from entering Greece and released him to return to Turkey.

Members of the Israeli secret service Mossad, who have been investigating the case in cooperation with their Bulgarian counterparts, made the findings. The information alarmed the Greek authorities and they have begun investigating the probability of the presence of a "core of the Arab organization" in the country, connected with the attacks in Burgas and with a previously planned but unexecuted similar attack in Cyprus.

The confiscated documents were sent to the special laboratories of the Greek police, where they compared them with the finds collected by the Israeli and Bulgarian services from the site of the attack. The revelation that "the illegal immigrant from Latin America," who tried to cross the border in March and the perpetrator of the attack in Burgas was the same person has become the flash point for the services of the three countries. Now, they are seeking to find out why he tried to enter Greece and his possible contacts in the country.

At the same time, the members of the Greek intelligence services suggest that the suspect was eventually able to somehow enter Greece. So, they are investigating suspicious phone calls and other data. Even more alarming is that they do not exclude the possibility of the presence of a core of fanatical Arabs in Greece, who organized violent attacks, like in the period 1970 – 1990.

Tags: Crime newsAttack in BurgasAttackerIntelligence services
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