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Greece will take part in the campaign against the Islamic State with seized Kalashnikov cartridges

25 September 2014 / 12:09:44  GRReporter
2235 reads

The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Greece will participate in the international military campaign against the Islamic State.

"Greece welcomes the international campaign against the Islamic State, in which it is involved at the political level, by sending humanitarian aid, and at the military level, by sending munitions to the Kurdish fighters," reads the official release of the Ministry.

According to the Greek media, the munitions to be sent are not part of the Greek arsenal, and they were produced in Eastern Europe. They consist of thousands of Kalashnikov cartridges that the Greek authorities have confiscated during police operations.

Tags: PoliticsGreek Ministry of Foreign AffairsInvolvement in the international campaign against the Islamic StateHumanitarian aidMunitionsKalashnikov rifles
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