The number of permanent residents in Greece amounts to 10,815,197, according to the census of population and housing in 2011. 49%, i.e. 5,302,700 are men and 51%, 5,512,494 are women.
In a report, the Greek Statistical Service ELSTAT noted that the methodology of the census of 2011 differs significantly compared to previous censuses both in terms of censuses from the past, the census itself and the processing of collected data. For this reason, according to ELSTAT, the census of 2011 and those of previous censuses are not entirely comparable.
The study of census results by regions shows that the average age of the resident population in Greece is 41.9 years. The lowest average age is on Mykonos - 37, and the highest is in Evrytania - 49.

As for marital status, 50.3% of the population are married according to the law (married with an agreement for living together, separated, etc.). 39% are single, and unmarried men are 21.5%.
As for the composition of the population in terms of citizenship, according to the results of the census, 9,903,268 people have Greek citizenship, 199,101 people are citizens of European Union countries, 708,003 people have citizenship of other countries, and 4,825 people are stateless or have unclear citizenship.
In particular, foreigners who were permanent residents in Greece during the census, and people with no or unclear citizenship were 911,929. The highest percentage of foreigners - 52.7% are Albanian, 8.3% are Bulgarian citizens, 5.1% are Romanian, 3.7% are Pakistani, and 3% have Georgian citizenship.
As for households (people living permanently in a common housing, whether they have family ties or not), their total number is 4,134,157, of which 1,061,471 are one-membered 1,218,356 are two-membered, 817,842 are three-membered, 726,469 are four-membered, 209,545 are five-membered, 68,595 are six-membered, 20,272 are seven-membered, 7,150 are eight-membered, 1,881 are nine-membered, and 2,216 have 10 or more members.
The average number of household members in Greece is 2.6 people, and the most numerous households are in the western sector of Athens (3 members), and the fewest - in the central sector of Athens.
Total number of families (i.e. 2 or more people who are spouses, cohabitants, or parent and child) amounted to 3,021,133, of whom 913,204 are married couples with children, 61,630 - cohabitants without children in the household, 12,317 - cohabitants with children, 74,421 - one-parent families (father and a child/children) and 389,292 are one-parent families (mother and a child/children).