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For Greece the agreement with creditors is a coup, it is approved outside

20 July 2015 / 14:07:58  GRReporter
1586 reads

Today's analysis of our latest poll is associated with Nikos Dimou’s book "The Misfortune of Being Greek," an excerpt from which we published last week. In an interview with Die Welt, the writer defines the fifth year of the Greek crisis as "an escape from reality." Whether Greece is escaping from the realities of the crisis will become clear from the results of the question asked, "How do you evaluate the measures provided for in the agreement between Greece and it creditors?"

Let us begin with the results on the Greek page of our website, which show that 55% of respondents firmly state that the proposed measures are totally unacceptable, to the extent that they perceive them as a coup. 20% of respondents are of the opposite opinion, namely that Greece has not implemented the reforms over the past five years and will not make them this time either. 15% of our readers think the measures are totally reasonable, due to the five-month sinking of the economy. 10% believe the measures are the price that Greece will pay for the policy of "creative ambiguity" of former Minister of Finance Varoufakis.

Some of the readers of the English version of GRReporter have the same attitude as the readers of the Greek page. The largest share of votes, 41%, falls on the option that the measures of the agreement are completely unacceptable and forcibly have replaced the will of Greek people in fact. 29% do not believe that Greece will meet its commitments since it has failed to implement the hard economic reforms demanded by creditors over the past five years. 19% of readers see the reason for the strict measures in former Minister of Finance Varoufakis’ "creative ambiguity" during negotiations. About 11% of readers consider the measures a consequence of the five-month sinking of Greece’s economy.

The opinion of Bulgarian respondents is the opposite. 42% are convinced that Greece will not implement the required reforms and will continue the tradition of the past five years. 23% are of the opinion that the measures in the agreement signed are a logical response to the developments in the Greek economy and the country over the past five months, defining them as a sinking of economy. About 19% of our readers consider the agreement a disguised coup attempt and the measures totally unacceptable. 15% of respondents believe that the reason for the measures is the governing and negotiating style of Yanis Varoufakis.
The conclusion based on the results is that more than half of the readers of our Greek page (55%) consider the agreement totally unacceptable, equal to a coup. We see that the readers of the Bulgarian page of our web site are of the opposite position. It is a logical expression of the very popular phrase recently "the sick carry the healthy" that expresses the disapproval of the public in Bulgaria because it should pay a contribution for the last rescue package to Greece. The fact is that Bulgaria is serving multiple restrictions due to the financial discipline followed, ranking last at the same time in terms of many economic and social indicators among all EU countries, including Greece.

The question it the new poll is, ‘Will Alexis Tsipras succeed in reforming Greece?’ Do not forget to justify your vote in the comments section below the poll.

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