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Greece prepares for the famous August full-moon

06 August 2009 / 13:08:09  GRReporter
4200 reads

The August full moon is known to be one of the most beautiful during the year. Traditionally, the most famous Greek sights stay open until dawn on this night so visitors can enjoy the beautiful sight. 81 ancient temples will stay open tonight, including the Acropolis in Athens, Poseidon's temple in Sounio, ancient Korinthos, the castle in Navplio, etc. most of them will work until 1:30 in the morning, others until 3:00 and music concerts will take place in 43 of them.

Besides a music concert, the visitors in Athens will have the opportunity to enjoy the evergreen Greek movie "Stela." Patra and Korinthos will play classical music, Tripoli- jazz and Foivos Delivorias will be singing in Navplio. The famous Dario Fo play "We won't pay! We won't pay!" will be performed in Volos and traditional Greek music will sound on the Aegean Islands and Crete. Regardless of housing a concert or not, the entrance of all archeological sights will be free tonight

Tags: Greece full moon events
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