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Golden Dawn unmasked

10 December 2013 / 15:12:46  GRReporter
4596 reads

The defenders of those accused in the case of Golden Dawn have received a DVD with multiple data, including shocking videos and threats made while new members were taking oath as well as a speech by leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos in which he recognizes his Nazi ideology.
For example, in a cafe where he delivered his election speeches to supporters of Golden Dawn, the party leader states "Let them say that we are Nazi, we'll finish them off..."

In another video of new members taking oath in the presence of Michaloliakos and George Germenis, a new member of the party says, "Those who are saying that they are tossing between the left wing and the right wing must know they will soon be tossing hanged..."

To Vima newspaper today published a photo of a meeting with children under the age of 10 years, its aim being the teaching of history lessons.

Another photo shows a famous retired general, greeting with the Nazi salute. He is now deceased and at his funeral, there were wreaths sent on behalf of Golden Dawn and personally by Nikolaos Michaloliakos.

They say they are Nazis

The material that will take hours to be downloaded and described is already in the hands of investigators Ioanna Klapa and Maria Dimitropoulou. It contains photos and videos of testimonials of party members and even of leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos that they are "Nazis" and that "everyone should kill one Jew inside himself..."

The archival material, which is rich in events in Githio, Thermopylae and in incidents with policemen and "unknown" masked persons who, along with Golden Dawn, were involved in clashes with opponents of power, leaves speechless even a highly imaginative screenplay writer.

File: "The blond woman from SYRIZA"

Particularly striking is the material on the party in the Greek parliament. In addition to documenting the questions posed by party members, they are after their colleagues, including deputy Rena Dourou. They showed her CV and collected data on her in a file, calling her "the blond woman from SYRIZA."

There are also photos of Zoe Konstandopoulou’s parliamentary activity, of other members of SYRIZA as well as of journalists. Michaloliakos’ electronic archive, which is already part of the case file on the case, prominently displays the front page of Ta Nea newspaper and its article against Golden Dawn.

Frames from the oath taking

Equally shocking are the frames of the new members taking oath, which show that every one of them explains in his speech why he joins Golden Dawn and chants "Blood, honour, Golden Dawn".

"Those who are grumbling without getting off the couch are worms and we will stamp on them like worms..." The frames also show that during the oath-taking ceremony the hall was decorated with Nazi symbols.

Another video shows how Michaloliakos states in his speech, "They call us Nazis. Let them say whatever they want; our goal is to finish off all of them once and for all. To finish them off..."

In another of his election speeches in 2012, he recommends composure in order for them to "not concoct a provocation with 5-6 murdered people, saying that members of Golden Dawn killed them."

And the kids ...

The archival footage contains a photo of a minor, greeting with the Nazi gesture, and shows various Nazi symbols and Nazi gatherings abroad, praising Hitler with huge posters. The photos must have been taken in Germany, as the inscriptions on the posters are in German.

However, it also contains a large number of texts from Greece as well as collections of supporters of Nazism, and publications that are stored for unclear reasons.

Agios Panteleimonas neighbourhood and the training

Videos of Agios Panteleimonas show the activities of the party in this neighbourhood. At the same time, some photographs show the training of party members with real weapons and the others squads in uniforms listening to a speech delivered by Ilias Kasidiaris. Another famous deputy, who is levelling the already known gun that resembles Kalashnikov, is in the photos too, along with Kasidiaris.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Kasidiaris’ defender Pavlos Sarakis had a verbal conflict with two young men in their 30s. They attacked him verbally and the police had to intervene to prevent physical confrontation. The incident took place in a playground, causing fear among the children and their parents who had gathered there for a Christmas celebration.

Tags: Golden DawnAccusedVideosInvestigaotrsNazis
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