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"Flame nuclei" with new image

29 December 2009 / 16:12:06  GRReporter
2974 reads

Taking responsibility for the assault against the National insurance company by terrorist organization “Conspiracy of the flame nuclei” provoked surprise and became reason for many questions. New details come to the foreground, typical to a great extend for another active terrorist organization in Greece – “Revolutionary fight”.

What makes “the flame nuclei” popular? This organization (until yesterday at least) acted on small scale – scaring politicians and parliament members mostly with possession of amateur explosives with timing mechanism in a pressure cooker, usually placed in a sports bag at the entrance of an apartment building or member of the parliament’s office. The effect is creating panic, broken windows, scared victims (owners of the house, office, neighbors etc.), more fuss around the “victim”… However in the past three months, the same terrorists attacked with bombs the current minister of economy and finance Luka Katseli and former minister of education Marieta Ianaku, parliament member from PASOK Mimis Androulakis. Before placing the bombs, usually half an hour earlier an anonymous voice warns that on a specific place at a specified time there will be an explosion. The telephone call is often made to a local newspaper (Elefterotipia for example) or a television channel.

“Revolutionary fight” acts on a larger scale and uses a more serious quantity of explosives. Its acts are know since 2003 when in September members of the organization placed two bombs in the courts of the former military school Evelpidon, followed by three assaults in 2004 – against a branch of a bank, police department (triple bomb assault) and a bus of the special forces. In the next year goal of the attacks of the revolutionaries were two ministries – of the employment and of the economy, as well as member of the parliament Georgios Voulgarakis. After the assaults causing material damage, for the first time target becomes a human life. The attempt was not just intimidation. In the notice after the assault (comprised of 11 pages) the revolutionaries are warning: “Next time we will succeed”. It is very interesting to notice that the first assault of “Revolutionary fight” on September 5th, 2003 was made at the time when the accused on the case of “November 17th” are testifying. Their last hit (if it is theirs, however everything shows the attackers are the same), which is the attack with a missile against the American embassy is again at the same time with the court actions on the same case. At that time the accused are again testifying – this time facing a court of a court of second instance. In the biggest database against terrorism in the USA the presentation of the organization says: “Revolutionary fight (Epanastatikos Aghonas or EA) is a Greek extreme organization, acted for the first time in 2003 with a bombing assault in the Athens court compound. Since then the members of EA are aiming periodically in political leaders and institutions in order to express their social and to an extend anarchist ideology…”.

Let us go back to the last assault against the National insurance company. The first assumptions about the authors of the assault sent the police on the tracks of the members of “Revolutionary fight”. The cause: the explosives (it was announced about 10 kilograms), the manner in which they acted, however also the choice of the target – economical. Just few months ago – in September the same revolutionaries had placed a powerful explosive in front of the Athens stock exchange, which cause again serious material damages. At first sight the Sunday assault really looks like the one against the stock exchange. Until the moment when “the flame nuclei” past their announcement on the popular site Indymedia (which recently became the reason stopping the negotiations between university deans, politicians and others, because the dean of the Greek school of engineering gave the website his permission to “broadcast” from the building of the university). In the manifest published soon after the assault – in less than 24 hours “the small” until recently terrorists talk about a “detailed explosive”. The improvement in question was a product of the cooperation between their core and the followers of the revolutionary movement. They even promise that they will use this explosion in the future as well. We must notice that witnesses compared the power of the explosive with an earthquake, damages were cause not only on the ground floor of the building of the National Insurance company, out which only the supporting columns were left whole, but also buildings on the other side of the boulevard.

“The flame nuclei” definitely made a surprise. The police didn’t even share their doubts regarding the authenticity of the notice and are still investigating it. We are talking about a change in the behavior or may be even cooperation between terrorist groups. The police has to arrange the new puzzle’s pieces. 

Tags: terrorists National Insurance companyCrime news
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