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live The first day of bankruptcy

01 July 2015 / 12:07:58  GRReporter
2043 reads

Thousands of Greek pensioners are flocking to those branches of Greek banks that are operating today by decision of the Greek Ministry of Finance, to be able to receive part of their pensions. The weekly amount set for them is 120 euro. The elderly are queuing up but it is not clear whether all will be able to receive some money. There are reports on jostles and even seizures outside some of the banks. Many pensioners are submitting applications to be issued debit cards that they will receive by mail in 10 days, according to bank officials. At the same time, it is not clear whether banks will reopen next week in order for pensioners to receive some portion of their pensions.

Meanwhile, the teleconference meeting of Eurogroup scheduled to take place at 12:30 has been postponed to 6:30 pm Greek time.

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Tags: PoliticsGreeceBankruptcyClosed banks PensionersQueuesGovernmentMeeting of Eurogroup
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