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An entrepreneur bequeaths his business to "The Smile of the Child"

04 August 2014 / 17:08:32  GRReporter
2555 reads

A huge donation in favour of "The Smile of the Child" non-profit organisation has been left by the owner of the Titania Hotel after his death. The businessman was aware of the serious financial difficulties recently experienced by the organisation and decided to include it in his will.

According to a publication in Espresso newspaper, 70-year-old Konstantinos Malamos, the successor to the famous Pesmazoglu family, died two months ago. Although he wanted to create a family, his marriage with Depi Handri contracted in the 1980s was short and they had no children.
According to sources, in his will the entrepreneur has left the majority stake in the hotel, located on Patission Street in the centre of Athens, to "The Smile of the Child" organisation under the explicit condition to take care of its smooth functioning and to meet the needs of the children with the revenue from the hotel business.

In a statement to the newspaper charity chairman Kostas Giannopoulos acknowledged the receipt of the impressive donation, stressing that they had onloy just been informed about it the previous week and that the whole procedure is still ongoing and is to be completed in September. As stated by Kostas Giannopoulos, "This is a huge gift for us. This is a godsend. We will pay tribute in the best possible way to the man who wanted to help our children." Let us recall that the non-profit organisation is taking care of several children of Bulgarian origin, including blond angel Maria.

Moreover, the late Konstantinos Malamos has left to his two nieces, his sister’s daughters, a significant part of his movable and immovable property, including the "Aghiou Ioanni" villa-palace on the beach of Mykonos.

Tags: Titania HotelBusinessmanThe Smile of the ChildDonation
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