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Employee of Minister Hrisohoidis attempted to commit suicide

17 December 2009 / 12:12:14  GRReporter
2855 reads

Kremena Koutsoukou

Employee of Mihalis Hrisohoidis jumped from the seventh floor of the Ministry of Civil Defense building. The man is conscious with few fractures and no vital organs were affected.

The press center director of the ministry Panagiotis Vlahos said for that the man is 28-year-old Panagtios Diotis, son of famous prosecutor Yoanis Diotis. His position in the ministry was an informal counselor of the minister regarding legal issues. He was not officially working for the ministry, because he was about to graduate from university in a year and a half. Before attempting to commit suicide the young man left a note, in which he was mentioning problems with graduating.

Diotis is alive thanks to a miracle because he fell on some trees in the yard of the ministry.    

Tags: Suicide attempt Hrisohoidis Greece Athens
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