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Eleni Danilidou with a “Wild card” at the Indian Wales championship

07 March 2010 / 13:03:48  GRReporter
4149 reads

The Greek tennis player Eleni Danilidou will take part in the Indian Wales tournament with “wild card”. The tournament will be held in California. The matches will from the preliminary design star on 08.03 and two days later starts the tournaments itself. Her first game Danilidou will play on Monday (08.03). “Wild card” also received Justine Enen (former number 1 in the world tennis and present finalist of the Australian Open championship), Christina McHale, Alexa Glatch, Bethany Matek Sands, Alicia Molik and Tamara Peshek. Dinalidou participates in the Indian Wales for the sixth time. Her best performance was in 2006 when she managed to qualify among the 32 best tennis players.

In 2002 the Greek tennis players managed to qualify for the third round of the Australian Open for women and in this way she took the 83rd place in the world rank list. She also became the first Greek woman to qualify among the best tennis players from the tournament in Melbourne – one of the four of the Grand Slam. The first success of the tennis player as a professional comes in 2002 in Netherlands when in the finals of the Hertogenbosch tournament she wins against Elena Demedieva. In 2003 and 2004 she wins the tennis tournament in Auckland, New Zealand. (In 2003 she wins against the Korean Tso and in 2004 against the American Ashley Harcleroad, who is famous as one of the most promising American tennis players).

The greatest success of the Greek comes in 2004 when during the second round of the tournament in Dubai she wins by 2 – 0 against one of the greatest and most famous players – the American Jenifer Kapriati (No. 1 in the world in 2001).

During the Olympic championship in Athens in 2004 Danilidou doesn’t have a great success. She and Hristina Zahariadou lost against the French players Ameli Moresmo and Meli Pirs. Danilidou manages however to win against the Bulgarian Magdalena Maleeva by 2 – 1 sets and like this qualifies at 16th place. During the Australian Open, Lena Danilidou wins second place in the couples. She wins first place in the Stamford tournament with a victory against Pensova (Czech republic) and Sol (Luxembourg). In 2001 she becomes the first Greek tennis player to qualify for the second round of the Wimbledon tournament. In the same year she wins a silver medal in the Mediterranean championship. In October 2006 she wins the tennis tournament in Seoul when in a dramatic game she wins against the Japanese Ai Sugiama. In 2008 Eleni, whose dream is to become a tennis coach and to have a house at the cost of the sea scores her greatest victory – her opponent in the tournament Hobard – Zvoraneva retires due to a trauma.

Tags: Eleni Danilidou tennis wild card Indian Wales sport
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