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live The discussion on the agreement with creditors in parliament has begun

15 July 2015 / 21:07:38  GRReporter
2446 reads

The session of Greek parliament that will discuss the agreement with creditors began with a many hours’ delay and after continuous postponements, namely 40 minutes later than the scheduled time, 8:40 pm.

President of parliament Zoe Konstantopoulou read in full all articles of the Constitution and the rules of parliament and in fact, the debates on the critical agreement for the future of Greece were late in starting even more. She informed the MPs that the presidium of parliament had taken a majority decision that the debates and the voting should end until midnight, immediately adding afterwards that she did not consider meeting that deadline with precision compulsory.

At the same time, the trade unions, members of non-parliamentary left parties and the trade union of the Communist Party of Greece are holding a protest rally outside the parliament building.

Shortly after nine o'clock, heavy clashes between a group of 100-150 anarchists and members of the riot forces interrupted the initially peaceful protest. The anarchists threw petrol bombs Molotov to which the police responded with tear gas. Parliamentary reporters indicate that the smell is felt inside the parliament building and that SYRIZA MPs seem embarrassed by the clashes outside.

Follow the debate in parliament and the situation outside in real time on GRReporter Live blog.

Tags: PoliticsParliamentDebate and voting on the agreement with creditorsClashes between anarchists and police
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