Bill Clinton and Gianna Angelopoulos, Photo: To Vima
President Bill Clinton and Ambassador Gianna Angelopoulous have preferred former Foreign British Secretary David Miliband and former President of Ghana and chairman of the African Union John Kufuor to be the first participants in the Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Program in the Faculty of Management at Harvard Kennedy School. Gianna Angelopoulos discussed at a meeting with President of Mexico Felipe Calderon the possibility of his taking part in the program in the future after the completion of his term of office at the end of the year.
Gianna Angelopoulos founded the Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Program to enable democratically elected leaders to continue to offer their knowledge and experience at Harvard. President Clinton said, "This year's theme of the Clinton Global Initiative is "Designing Impact" and I believe that the cooperation with Gianna Angelopoulos will have an impact not only on the leaders who will participate in the program, but on future leaders as well."
Gianna Angelopoulos said during the presentation that when democratically elected leaders complete their terms, the world loses their experience and the wisdom they have gained. For these leaders, but for all who want to continue to offer their knowledge, the program at Harvard answers the question of "How can I continue serving?" The first three successful leaders who will participate in the program were announced today, but there will be others too, as Gianna Angelopoulos stated.