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A dad kidnapped his young children in Thessaloniki

29 December 2015 / 14:12:13  GRReporter
2400 reads

A midnight thriller took place in the Thessaloniki Tagarades district where a 43-year-old man kidnapped his two children aged 4 and 6. The man was in the middle of a divorce with his wife, and on Monday evening visited her to see the children. A quarrel broke out between the former spouses, the man had a knife in his hand and managed to push his ex-wife out of the house while keeping the two children inside.

Police immediately surrounded the house. Psychologists spent the night trying to convince the man to release the children. Around 6 a.m. the father gave himself up to the authorities. Both children were unharmed.

Tags: Thessaloniki child kidnapping father with knife Greek police crime news
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