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A Crocodile Has Been Spotted on Crete Island

06 July 2014 / 22:07:04  GRReporter
3086 reads

It has been officially confirmed that a crocodile has been spotted on Crete after numerous rumours have recently caused quite a stir among the residents of the island.
The crocodile, which is allegedly 2 metres long, has appeared near the dam of Rethymno and was spotted by chance by a patrol of the fire service. Initially, the news was spread mainly on blogs and on Facebook, but was referred to as spam, as one of the many fake photos published on the Internet.
Later on, however, the competent authorities took action and installed cameras along the dam wall, so that the crocodile has been recorded.
This is an event which is of interest to the general public, but it also frightens people because despite the prohibitions and measures taken, many people bathe in the dam, on the Day of Epiphany, for example, when the dam water is sanctified.
It is rumoured that the crocodile appeared in the dam as a result of the reckless actions of its owner. Perhaps after seeing how big the animal was becoming, the owner had decided to leave it in the dam.
Within the next few days, the herpetologist from the Natural History Museum, Mr. Liberakis, is expected to arrive and help with his knowledge in order for the crocodile to be found. In parallel, an order was issued for the area where the fire fighters saw the crocodile to be encircled with a mesh fence.
It should be noted that after the video had been captured by inhabitants of the area, people started talking about a second crocodile hardly visible in the background, which is leading to fears that if this is a pair of crocodiles and they are not caught in time, they may begin to multiply.

It is recommended that during the next few days citizens avoid going near the dam.


Tags: Crocodile Crete Island dam of Rethymno Natural History Museum herpetologist
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