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Costas Gavras will make a film about Varoufakis

31 August 2015 / 11:08:47  GRReporter
3995 reads

World famous director of Greek origin Costas Gavras is preparing to make a film about the negotiations between the SYRIZA government and Greece’s creditors in the first half of 2015. According to publications in the Greek media, he will film it in 2016 and his aim is to present all the events surrounding the protracted negotiations, including what happened behind the closed doors of meetings in Brussels.

The main character in the endless negotiations, former Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis, will perform the main role in it. His confrontations with his German counterpart Wolfgang Schaeuble, chairman of the council of euro zone finance ministers Jeroen Dajsselbloem and Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde will be in the centre of the script. Thus Gavras will offer Varoufakis the opportunity to present things through his prism and probably to reveal hitherto unknown details.

Expectations are that the whole story will be associated with Yanis Varoufakis’ personality, style, eccentricity and public appearances. His flirting with the media, which he generously ‘fed’ with statements and appearances to satisfy his desire to hold the global public interest in himself will also be part of the script.

Director Costas Gavras, who is also a resident of France, has become popular as a maker of films with political content. The emblematic political thriller "Z" (1969), which presents the assassination of Grigoris Lambrakis, a deputy of Unified Democratic Left, in troubled Greece in the middle of the 20th century won an Oscar in the Best Foreign Film category.

In his latest film "Capital", Gavras criticizes modern capitalism. More about it is available here.

Tags: CinemaPoliticsCostas GavrasFilmYanis VaroufakisNegotiations between Greece and creditors
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