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For cool nights in the summer heat

10 August 2014 / 19:08:51  GRReporter
2314 reads

The heat in the summer, unless you are on the beach, is almost unbearable. Severity increases at night when instead of sleeping well, we just sweat in bed.

However, since sleep is sacred, apply these methods and you will relax without using air conditioning.

1. Sleep only on cotton sheets

Forget silk, satin and polyester sheets, at least in summer. Buy cotton ones with bright colours that "breathe" and allow the air to circulate, keeping cool.

2. Refrigerate sheets

For more zestiness, put cotton sheets in a bag and leave them in the freezer for a while before you spread them out and lie down. This method will not cool you for hours, but just until you fall sleep.

3. Freeze a water bottle

As in winter you fill it with hot water to warm your feet, use the same logic in the summer - fill it with iced water and it will cool you at night.

4. Sleep with light clothing

It is best to sleep completely naked, but if you're not a hippie, put on a wide cotton blouse and shorts, in no way a garment with long sleeves, synthetic fabrics and long trouser legs.

5. Biological air conditioning

You can make your own air conditioning with zero electricity consumption. Place a fan in a shallow bowl filled with ice cubes and turn it on. You might not expect it to, but it works!

6. Follow the habits of those who are accustomed to heat

For example, cultivate the habit of the Egyptians who go to bed wrapped in a blanket dipped in cold water and you will cope with high temperatures.

7. "Freeze" pulse points

Cool those parts of your body where you usually feel the pulse of the heart. Put ice on wrists, elbows, neck, ankles and behind the knees.

8. Sleep alone

If you really want to sleep better, better sleep alone rather than with your loved one. Hugs increase temperature. Sleep alone, so that you can sleep your fill, and fix a date with your partner for ... October.

9. Create a draught

Put the fan at a key location in the room at the right angle, and leave the window open on the other side. This will create a cool stream that will keep the room cool.

10. Make your own bed

Even if only for summer, create your own bed in the room - a hammock, which will allow air to circulate and cool you on each side. Alternatively, put the bed in a place where most of its sides will be exposed to the draught you created in the previous tip.

11. Hydrate yourself

Drink water throughout the day, and always two glasses before you go to bed to make up for dehydration overnight. Keep a glass of water nearby to drink when you get thirsty at night.

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