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Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei reminded again for itself, this time with fake bomb threats

02 December 2010 / 16:12:35  GRReporter
5754 reads

Two phone calls for bombs placed in the area of the judicial complex on Evelpidon Street in Athens prompted the evacuation of employees, lawyers and visitors.

A strange man called one of the biggest radio stations in the Greek capital early in the morning shortly after 7 o'clock and warned that 15 packages of explosives are placed in the judicial complex. According to the man, who gave no information on the time of the possible explosion, the bombs were placed by the Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei. The police closed the area and evacuated the people from the judicial complex. After the inspection that didn’t find anything policemen opened the doors of the court again.

There was a second anonymous call a little later, at 10:20 am, this time in the headquarters of the largest daily newspaper Ta Nea again warning of a bomb in the court complex on Evelpidon Street. New evacuation followed and inspection by the members of the anti-terror services.

No explosion has been found so far but the authorities carry out thorough checks. Fear of bomb attacks has intensified since the publication of the Manifesto of the Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei in the web portal Indymedia, known for its relations with the anarchic world. The group made clear threats of attacks against people in the text and stated their intention to organize urban guerillas. Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei urged anarchists in a separate append to carry out various attacks in solidarity to its members captured in the time of the parcel of terrorism in early November.

Tags: Conspiracy of Fire NucleiThreatsBombsTerrorismUrban guerillas
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