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Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei assumed responsibility for the parcel terrorism and warned that it would be continued

24 November 2010 / 16:11:28  GRReporter
11304 reads

In their letter to web portal Indymedia generally known for its connections with anarchist circles Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argiru, who were arrested after a series of parcel bombs to embassies in Athens, took responsibility for the attacks. They refused to say anything before the prosecutor after the arrest early in the month but in their letter to Indymedia acknowledged that they have sent two packages of explosive devices. They were left in courier offices in the Athens district Pankrati and were addressed to the Embassy of Mexico and the European institution Eurojust in The Hague.

They also wrote that the packages the police found with them were addressed to the presidential residence of Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris and the Belgian Embassy in Athens. The two detainees proclaimed themselves to be "prisoners of revolutionary struggle" and "proud members of the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei". They stated further in the letter that they do not regret anything and support all the declarations and actions of the group "as well as those that will take place from now on and will make us proud." Tsakalos and Argiru ended their letter, warning that "nothing is over. The war continues," and signed as "Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei – Commandos Practice Theory."

In a separate letter, the third detainee Harris Hadzimihelakis said he takes political responsibility for his participation in the group, salutes his "fellow urban guerrillas" Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argiru and criticized himself for the ‘Halandri case’, i.e. the findings in his apartment, which, according to police, is the hiding place of the organization. "I am proud to declare my choice to stand thoroughly in the polygon of urban guerrillas until the state mechanism managed to securely tie my hands and throw my body into prison – on September 23, 2009."

The letter continues: "I take full responsibility personally (which I took anyway before the judicial authorities months ago) for my mistake of a preparatory nature to bring even temporarily a mechanism to my apartment, which as a legal residence was the meeting point of different people who had nothing to do with the case." Hadzimihelakis stated at the end of his letter that the only reason for not confessing his participation in the group was the price that the people involved in the Halandri case would have to pay.

The case against the 13 arrested in total for involvement in the terrorist organization Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei will be examined on January 17, 2011 by the Athens court of appeal.

Tags: Conspiracy of Fire NucleiParcel terrorismIndymediaCrime news
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