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Case against bank robber Yiannis Dimitrakis was postponed for next year

16 December 2009 / 12:12:38  GRReporter
5036 reads

The case against the bank robber Yiannis Dimitrakis was postponed for April 28 of next year. Dimitrakis was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for his participation in the robbery of a branch of National Bank of Greece.

Five-member appellate court approved the request to defer the case by Defenders of the accused Spyros Fitrakis and Kostas Papadakis. In their request, they reported that they were not able to cooperate with the defendant in respect of the proceedings because until December 8 Dimitrakis was held in prison in Domoko. In their decision to change the court date with more than four months, the judges placed the condition for Dimitrakis to be moved to Koridalos prison so he can cooperate with his lawyers and be able to exercise his right to be defended.

Dimitrakis’ lawyers are against the measures which the police undertook to maintain order in front of the Court of Appeals. They identified the increased police presence as unduly and announced that it hinders the visibility of the case and does not provide the tranquil atmosphere necessary for the normal conduct of it.

Dimitrakis is accused of being involved with the "robbers in black" who three years ago, robbed a branch of National Bank of Greece. The Court had given a penalty of 25 years imprisonment for the "not especially cruel manner" of the crime. This became the reason for Dimitrakis not to be sentenced for life in prison.

Before the court 30-year-old bandit speaks of "interference in the case" with reference to a statement by Civil Protection Minister Hrisohoidis about bank robbers having connection with terrorists. 

Tags: Crime in Greece bank robbery Dimitrakis Koridalos prison robbers in black
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