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Blame game in government and passing-the-torch scenarios

01 July 2015 / 15:07:44  GRReporter
2011 reads

Scenarios for changes even in the ranks of government leaders have been under consideration among international circles over the past few hours whereas the so-called blame game that Athens keeps on playing against its creditors has already transferred inside the country.
A narrow circle of ministers is aware that bank failure is the main weapon of creditors through which they will exert strong pressure on the government, because if it really happened, Greece would turn into ruins in just a few days.

Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasakis, Minister of Economy George Statakis and Deputy Minister for International Economic Relations Efklidis Tsakalotos know it all too well which is why they are pressing Alexis Tsipras to reach an agreement.

According to some, this was the reason why Yiannis Dragasakis used a different rhetoric than that of the Prime Minister by saying in a television interview on Tuesday night, "Whatever the outcome, Tsipras will symbolize the struggle of a nation."

According to sources, the scenario for a change in government leadership and the possibility of Yiannis Dragasakis taking the premiership are being discussed inside and outside Greece, and mainly by some investment houses with which the government maintains contact, in view of the fact that the foreign interlocutors of Alexis Tsipras are now perceiving him with obvious distrust.

The idea of ​​such discussions is that a similar decision could restore some conditions for understanding even at the last moment and it could be accepted inside SYRIZA, of course, if Athens and its creditors could start afresh in the event that the confrontation between them ended even at the last moment.

Intensive processes have taken place in the government residence Maximou over the past few hours under these conditions, and the ministers in question suggested that the Greek government should take the initiative and undertakes some actions, such as to remove Yanis Varoufakis, in order to have a new basis for negotiations with creditors.

In this situation, it is believed that the European Central Bank will not declare the bankruptcy of Greek banks, at least for the time being. However, the situation will take a dramatic turn if the referendum is held and the government does not change its position in favour of the "no" response.

Tags: ScenariosBankruptcyBlame gameSYRIZAAlexis TsiprasMinisters
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