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Black Wednesday for the Greek police

15 October 2014 / 14:10:42  GRReporter
2775 reads

Two police officers died in two separate accidents in Athens. A chain reaction crash that happened at about 10.30 am today on "Petros Ralis" Avenue right at the entrance of the directorate for foreigners of the Greek police killed one man and one woman and severely injured two other men and one woman. One of those killed was a 23-year-old police officer who worked on "Attica" highway and on the fatal Wednesday attended training in the directorate for protection measures against Ebola. Upon leaving the directorate, the young man was literally crushed by a car and was identified by his fingerprints.

     The tragedy began when a Smart car driver, probably a foreigner, crashed into a taxi. As a result, the Smart car bounced off a newsstand, running over a woman and the police officer who was coming out of the directorate for foreigners at that time. Then the small car bounced back onto the roadway thus causing a chain reaction accident of three more cars and injuring another man and a woman. The woman underwent a complex surgery at public hospital "Nikia" and one of her legs had to be amputated.
     The Smart car driver managed to get out of the car unaided and started calling for help, as he was injured too. The witnesses who were around followed the accident, horrified, and having recovered from the shock came down on the culprit of the tragedy. The fire brigade and police vehicles, and the ambulances, which arrived on the scene within a few minutes saved him from being lynched. Currently, the Smart car driver is hospitalized under police guard and in the coming days he will face the prosecutor. It became clear at the hospital that the man is 26 years old, of Albanian origin and often suffers from epileptic seizures.
     For a while the area around the directorate for foreigners looked like a Middle Eastern city after a bombing - there was blood, parts of human bodies, broken glass, car parts...
     Another police officer, aged 32, from the "DIAS" squads died in the same neighborhood around midnight. He and his colleague stopped a suspicious car to check it. During the check a passing car hit the 32-year-old police officer and he fell down onto the roadway. Then a second car hit him. He was immediately taken to public hospital "Nikia" where his his death was established.

Tags: Killed police officersCar accidentsDirectorate for foreignersDIAS squadsCrime news
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