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Anarchists occupied Radio Flash

10 January 2012 / 14:01:04  GRReporter
3034 reads

About 10 o'clock this morning a group of anarchists occupied the building of Radio Flash, which is located on the central Athenian Kifissias avenue near the suburb of Maroussi. Occupiers stopped the live broadcasting of the TV show of the journalist Nikos Evangelatos, whose guest at 10.10 a.m. was to be the MP from New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis. "Occupation of studio of Radio Flash by friends of Revolutionary Struggle reading a manifesto ... We're not O.K.," said the Twitter message of Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent at the time of the incident.
    The youngsters took the microphones and started reading on the air an appeal of the terrorist organization Revolutionary Struggle urging for their comrades to be released, who are currently serving time in the prison in Korydallos. Revolutionary Struggle is the organization, which in January 2007 fired a missle against the building of the American embassy in Athens.
    A little later the building of Radio Flash was flanked by two buses of the special forces for mass riot control. The whole incident ended at around 11.30 a.m. when Radio Flash resumed its normal broadcast programme. In the followingradio show one of the invaders also took part, this time as a "guest".

Tags: Radio Flash anarchists Kyriakos Mitsotakis Revolutionary Struggle terrorists Nikos Evangelatos
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