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Alket Rizai will get married in prison

01 December 2009 / 10:12:14  GRReporter
17721 reads

The denouement of the drama between Alket Rizai and his companion Soula, who helped him run away from jail in February, is turning into a tragic love story. Not too long ago Soula announced on TV Alket is the love of her life and soon they will get married behind bars.

From the day of his prison break on February 22 until he was arrested about ten days ago, Rizai was living not such a bad life. Of course, this was possible with the help of his loved one. Even though they were changing apartments quite often, the Albanian was socializing, he was going to bars and few times he even “faced” policemen without being recognized. One of the houses they lived in is in Halkoutsi, Oropos municipality. A family house, near the sea with a lot of trees. Ideal place for privacy. His friend and ally Vasilis Paleokostas also lived with them for some time there. Rizai and Paleokostas successfully arranged the prison break from Koridalos with the help of Rizai’s loving other half Soula – the priceless outside help. She was the one who hired the helicopter for the prison break, representing herself as Mrs. Alexandrova.

Rizai speaks himself of the days he spent “outside”. He tells how different landlords never doubted them because practically they only saw and spoke to Soula. Usually she was shopping for the house from a small store next to a police station. Rizai was trying to avoid going out to bars after one time he went to a tavern in Kiato and saw policemen. From that point on he was more careful. During the summer he went swimming but not during the crowded day but early in the morning or late at night.

The happy life of Riza and Soula was interrupted when the police arrested them in their last home in the Athenian neighborhood Gramatiko. Since then they have been separated in prison. But maybe not for long. Or at least this is what Soula hopes for, because she publicly expressed her desire to marry the Albanian and to gain the right to see each other in prison as legal husband and wife. 

Tags: Prison break Alket Rizai Vasilis Paleokostas
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