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The accused for Kouneva's attack is free

26 February 2009 / 17:02:54  GRReporter
3353 reads

After testifying in front of the 13th investigator, the 48 year Albanian, who was charged with the attack against Konstantina Kouneva on December 23rd, was released.

According to his lawyers Mr. Dzambazis, the defendant denies the charge but claims that he personally knows Kouneva, because they used to be colleagues and he has asked for the help of the Cleaners Union, in order to get back the money owed to him by his employers. The police hurried to arrest him and lowered this serious accident to a simple fight between foreigners. According to the police, the phone call happened before they publicly announced the case and at the beginning, the defendant was denying that he called.

After interrogating him for two days, the police announced that the Albanian is one of the two criminals who did the personal attack but yesterday, the 13th investigator set him free.

The man used to work as cleaner but right now he is unemployed and looking for a job. He is married with two children. Kouneva herself freed him from guilt by saying that from the description his face does not look like the one of the man who crossed her way that night. In her testimony, Kouneva says that when she was going home that night “one man around 50-60 years old, fashionable, with dark long hair…”

The defendant claims that during the attack he was at home but he hid from the police the fact that he called Kouneva’s home, because he got scared. The secretary of the union Vlasya Papatanasi defended him by saying that she knows him and that he is a member of the union and she does not believe he is the one who did it.

Meanwhile Kouneva’s colleagues occupied the metro offices and asked from the administration to cancel the contracts with the intermediary firms and to hire personnel with permanent contracts.

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