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78% of Greeks want to stay in the Eurozone

25 July 2015 / 16:07:15  GRReporter
2400 reads

A poll by Metron Analysis showed that SYRIZA has a lead of 15.8% over New Democracy. The results will be published in the daily Parapolitika.

Voters' preferences are distributed as follows:

SYRIZA - 33.6%,

New Democracy - 17.8%

Golden Dawn - 5.3%

Potami - 6.1%

Communist Party - 4.2%

Independent Greeks - 2.8%

PASOK - 3.6%

Movement of Socialist Democrats - 1.3%

Union of centrists - 3.3%

As far as the government reshuffles are concerned, 35% of respondents believe they have made the government better, while 34% believe it is now worse. According to 16% it has stayed the same and 15% of respondents answered "I don't know/I prefer not to answer."

Asked "What is your opinion of the way the Prime Minister does his job?", 61% of respondents had a positive opinion, 36% - a negative one, 2% - neither, and 1% either could not or did not want to answer.

In parallel, 78% wanted their country to stay in the Eurozone, 19% were for the return of the drachma, while 3% either had no opinion or did not want to answer.

Asked whether Alexis Tsipras did the right thing in concluding the agreement with the creditors, 63% said yes, 32% felt he should not have made concessions, and 5% either could not or did not want to answer.

83% of respondents believe that the agreement does not match the referendum results, while 14% took the opposite view.

Tags: poll SYRIZA New Democracy Alexis Tsipras government agreement
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