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The world of Odysseas Elytis exhibited

26 September 2011 / 17:09:22  GRReporter
5472 reads

The Β. & Μ. Teocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts and Music opened on September 22 this year's exhibition season with The World of Odysseus Elytis: Poetry and Paintings on occasion of the 100th anniversary of Nobel laureate poet.

The exhibition consists of three sections. First are Odysseas Elytis’ paintings. Those are imaginative collages, watercolours and temperas small in size and showing a unique artistic personality and reflecting the aesthetic perception of the great poet. Elytis’ manuscripts and books add to the exhibition together with published and unpublished photos of his.

Then come major works by leading authors for whose works the poet published excellent essays, or with whom he had close friendly relations. Among them are Panayotis Zografos, Henri Matisse, Theophilos, Konstantinos Parthenis, Pablo Picasso, Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas, Nikos Engonopoulos, Christos Kapralos, Nikos Nicolaou, Orestis Kanellis, Yiannis Tsarouhis, Yiannis Moralis, Alekos Fassianos and George Derpapas.

Finally, the exhibition of the Β. & Μ. Teocharakis Foundation reveals different visual searches of the great poet and directs the visitor to the works of prominent contemporary Greek artists, inspired by his work. The artists Panagiotis Tetsis, Vasilis Theoharakis, Costas Tsoklis, Costas Paniaras, Alekos Fassianos, Sotiris Sorongas, George Derpapas, Botsoglou, Yiannis Psihopedis, Costas Varotsas and others develop their own dialogue with the poetry of Elytis.

Paintings, sculpture and compositions reveal the uniqueness of their plastic solutions, the authenticity of their content, their own dominant or discrete poetic dimension. The exhibition is realized by Takis Mavrotas in collaboration with the poet Iolita Iliopoulou and in cooperation with the Palace of Music in Athens. The exhibits are from the Gennadius Library, the Benaki Museum, the National Art Gallery, numerous private collections and contemporary artists themselves involved.

Additional information: Β. & Μ. Teocharakis Foundation, 9, Vasilisis Sofiyas Ave. And 1, Merlin Str., Athens, 210 3611206,, Duration: until November 27. Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Thursday and Friday from10:00 am to 9:00 pm; Ticket Price: € 6.


Tags: Odysseus ElytisΒ. & Μ. Teocharakis FoundationExhibition
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