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Winter sales will start on 13 January

07 January 2014 / 14:01:04  GRReporter
3854 reads

The winter sales for 2014 will start on Monday, 13 January and will continue until 28 February. On Sunday, 19 January, all shops can open at will and without any restrictions.

The National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce has sent to its member associations as well as to all its commercial companies a letter with instructions and explanations.

In particular, the traders and the managers of commercial sites should consider the following:

1. It is obligatory to indicate the two price levels of the goods sold at a discount, i.e. the regular price (usually crossed out) and the new price.

2. Indicating the percentage of the discount is allowed but not obligatory. Every company has the right to decide whether it will indicate this percentage or not.

3. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of the announcements of discounts, which are aimed at the customers. Each offer must comply with the announcement of discount in terms of both quantity and quality.

Severe penalties for offenders

Those who violate the provisions relating to the sales will be charged a penalty of 0.5% of annual turnover and not less than 5,000 euro.

If a fine for the same offence is re-imposed within five years, the penalty will increase to 3% of the annual turnover of the company.

In particular, when the discounts are not accurately indicated or if they are misleading with respect to the specified percentage of discount, price or quantity of the goods offered during the period of sales, the fine imposed will amount to 1% of the annual turnover and it will not be less than 10,000 euro, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.

The competent authority for the imposition of fines is the general secretary of the decentralised administration.

The National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce recalls that Article 19 of law 3769/2009 abolished the prohibition of announcing promotions for a period of 30 days prior to sales, which complies with the new law 4177/2013 too.

Therefore, according to the Confederation, in this interim period, the companies can announce promotions which the consumers will interpret as "portends" of the period of regular sales.

Clarifications regarding the opening of shops on Sundays

Finally, in reply to the question whether the first Sunday of the period of sales, when shops can open, will be 12 January or 19 January, the legal department of the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce explains the following:

According to Article 16, Paragraph 1, Section A of Law 4177/2013, small shops are allowed to open:

"On the first Sunday after the start of the periods referred to in Paragraph 1, Article 15 of this law."

In particular, Article 15, Paragraph 1 of Law 4177/2013 states:

"The sale of goods or the provision of services at reduced prices is allowed four times a year as follows:

a) During the regular sales

b) From the second Monday of January to the end of February

c) From the second Monday of July to the end of August."

These provisions make it clear that the period of the regular winter sales for 2014 will begin on Monday, 13 January, and will end on Friday, 28 February. Sunday, 12 January, does not fall within this period and the first Sunday within the period is 19 January.

"Therefore, all shops can open, if they wish and without any restrictions, on Sunday, 19 January," explains the National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce.

Tags: SalesNational Confederation of Hellenic CommerceClarifications
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