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Viewers expect a different TV, but the reality shows are a constant

25 March 2011 / 19:03:21  GRReporter
4714 reads

The golden age of the 1990s, when everyone thought that the abundance would never end, is gone, says the news director of STAR TV Stamatis Malelis. He himself tells about the reduced amounts in the contracts of many leading television stars.

In the 1990s, we used to take 100 and spend 150, because if we did not do it we had the feeling that we were at the margins of society. We thought that these times would never end and that only better ones lay ahead, says Malelis in an interview with DownTown magazine. The transition will be difficult for some TV stars, because some of them will not appear on the screen any longer. He himself says that all those years in television he has preferred to invest in young people rather than in expensive TV stars.

The TV is the viewers’ "companion". What do the Greeks, suffering from all the financial crisis, want to watch? "Do they want to watch brilliance, spectacular shows, true stories that will inspire hope, that will fill them with optimism, will make them laugh or be satirical? We should rethink the whole situation. We are not like the artists - we do not make TV for the idea. We are making TV in order for people to watch it. There is no sense in making art on television. And what we considered salable, is no longer sold," says Malelis and his words make it clear that the trio "money-beauty-youth" is now bankrupt, and funny, satirical and reality shows are the most popular.

"Television should entertain us in the narrow meaning of the word," summarizes in turn the comedian Sakis Boulas, known for his participation in numerous television series. "There should be good films, interesting series. It should also be educational. To show you how people in another country live, to make you love nature - there are thousands of things you can watch on TV. If it were me, I'd stop all the reality shows, and those with cooking. My mother and my aunt are not interested in gourmet recipes, especially now when people have nothing to eat. These shows have a high rating, because people are interested in the relationship that develops between the participants, whether it is a cooking or knitting show. It matters who is framing whom, who will trip over the other, what lies will be told."

Meanwhile, life on the screen continues. Eleonora Meleti – the host of the morning show on STAR, joined the Dancing with the Stars show. This year, on the screen appeared the former Star Ellas and daughter of the famous basketball player Bane Prelevic, Anna Prelevic, inspired by her new job. She says she would grasp any opportunity to appear on the TV screen. " I graduated in Journalism and Media in London. But naturally, when I am working in a team with such experienced journalists as Georgios Karameros and Spiros Haritatos, I think I have a long road to go to catch up with them. The people in the industry look upon me as a new person with a lot of passion for work. I started working harder and I go home fulfilled. I have no problem doing everything I am told as long as I like it."

Tags: NewsMediaMedia newsTVReality shows
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