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Until the end of January we’ll be obsessed by our personal problems

14 January 2012 / 18:01:48  GRReporter
7086 reads

The period 25th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
13 ° - 18 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which it is possible to seek solitude, in order to put your thoughts together, to arrange some information gathered. Or you may want to get attention through aggressive behavior that will provoke others, to feel connected to them. Whatever the case may be, use it to get to the interesting stories that you will carefully keep. Or you give someone access to your story, or to some, valuable for the other person, information.

The period 25th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
19 ° - 24 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which you may look for intimacy with another person for the satisfaction of your needs. You may be rejected or your needs may not be met, if you don't patiently wait for the other to offer you some options.

The period 20th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
25 ° - 30 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which your thoughts and discussions will revolve around your deep desires. You may go through the whole gamut of emotions in literally a few days. Whatever happens, do not react extremely – you have a chance to gain some valuable experience in a very short time. And you may get rid of some intrusive internal impulses.

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
22 ° - 28 ° Pisces
is a time in which you may feel some lack of inspiration. You may feel blocked and that does not allow you to undertake or do anything. You may feel "empty". Not because of some external constraints, but for the lack of internal impulse to act. Do not be intimidated by such stagnation and do not start any activity, if you lack the "muse". It has this tendency to come and go.


Tags: Galy astrological forecast for January planets individual horoscope zodiac signs astro school
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