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Until the end of January we’ll be obsessed by our personal problems

14 January 2012 / 18:01:48  GRReporter
7084 reads

    In this article I will inform you what the 'climate' characteristics will be for the period 15th to 31st January and for whom this will be of any importance. This climate affects different people in a different way because it is directly dependent on their individual horoscope.

    In the previous article related to the first half of January, I informed you that most of the public topics will be related to "heads" of various countries, with the policy they follow. With independence and autonomy. Again, we may witness processes associated with change of power, a change of government. I expected that in many areas, various state, political and global structures would introduce serious limitations. Since the end of November the most widely used word throughout the world was "limitations, shrinking." This continues throughout January. I expected that in January there would be a sudden movement on issues related to military activities. Or that such action would be needed somewhere.
Problems in Iran and Syria continue and already slight implications are being made about a possible direct military intervention. In Russia the situation related to Putin is heating up even more. At home, in Bulgaria restrictive administrative reforms are being undertaken for the first time in a decade.

    What will the situation be like in the second half of January?
    I expect it to be more relaxed and smooth at the public level, on account of the personal one. As if people will be more involved in their personal commitments and problems and wouldn’t want to bother with public and social ones. They will engage those whose job is to engage with them. Everyone will be more inclined to dip into his own personal affairs, to seek internal stability and harmony. Reconciliation to some extent and the awareness that sometimes fighting against necessary processes is completely useless will prevail. People may feel the stagnation, but be reluctant to interfere with any actions and rather be observers of the processes around them.
    I expect that there will be more dynamics also in an interpersonal plan, especially in clarification and solution within the family and intimate circles. Unresolved conflicts may resurface - one will be creating them, someone else will be resolving them. With regards to this, be careful not to make a mountain out of a molehill. To some extent everyone will tend to react very immaturely, which will lead to outbreaks of serious personal conflicts.

     The days after 25th of January may bring us waves of melancholy. Many people will feel like they are in a tunnel with no exit, they may feel "empty", without inspiration. I also believe it is possible that this will lead to random actions in an attempt to escape from this void. In these days the situation seems to be exactly like the moment just before sunrise, when it is darkest. Neptune is preparing to enter into his possessions - the sign of Pisces – for the first time in 165 years.

    Now I will write down which areas in the Zodiac are affected in the second half of January. And also the dates when the Sun is approximately in these areas and therefore applies to people born on these dates regardless of the year. You need to check your personal horoscope for the other planets.

4 ° - 9 ° Aries (people born between 25th and 30th of March)
15 ° - 20 ° Aries (people born between 5th and 10th of April)
26 ° Aries - 1° Taurus  (people born between 15th and 20th of April)
2 ° - 8 ° Taurus (people born between 22nd and 28th of April)
8 ° - 13 ° Taurus (people born between 29th of April and 3rd of May)
28 ° Gemini - 4 ° Cancer (people born between 19th and 24th of June)
13 ° - 19 ° Leo (people born between 5th and 11th of August)
0 ° - 5 ° Virgo (people born between 22nd and 28th of August)
4 ° - 9 ° Libra (those born between 28th of September and 2nd of October)
23 ° - 28 ° Sagittarius (people born between 14th and 19th of December)
26 ° Capricorn - 2 ° Aquarius (people born between 16th and 22nd of January)
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius (people born between 23rd and 28th of January)
13 ° - 18 ° Aquarius (people born between 1st and 6th of February)
19 ° - 24 ° Aquarius (people born between 7th and 12th of February)
25 ° - 30 ° Aquarius (people born between 13th and 18th of February)
22 ° - 28 ° C Pisces (those born between 12th and 18th of March)

Look at the table in the gallery to check which planet this is about and connect the keywords for it, with what I wrote.

The period 15th to 20th January for people who have a planet in the area:
4 ° - 9 ° Aries
is a time, when the trend of falling into a situation of persuasion, which is coming from you and is directed to others or vice versa – is coming from others to you, continues. You may find yourself in serious discomfort. Do not dismiss someone or something just because they are presenting you a situation that you can not easily fit into your thought patterns. Do not take other people's arguments too personally and don’t let this be the reason for insults.

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
15 ° - 20 ° Aries
is a time when the stress and tension that have been following you recently start to fade. Once again you regain your innate purity. These are the days when your wounds, your hurt feelings and dignity will be healed as if by a magic wand. And you can once again (surprisingly even for you yourself) accept with purity those who caused of them.

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
26 ° Aries - 1 ° Taurus,
is a time when you may have many occasions to discuss the chaos in which you feel you’ve been involved. Discuss the changes that must be made to put you out of some limiting conditions. The feeling, that you are losing control over the things around you can make you look for new ways and paths to follow.

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Taurus,
is a time, when you may face serious challenges and difficulties in maintaining and balancing things in life. Your ability to make sound judgments and on that basis to protect your privacy, your personal values ​​and values ​​in life may be impaired. And thus you may end up exactly where you are trying diligently to escape from.

The period 15th to 25th January for people who have a planet in the area:
8 ° - 13 ° Taurus,
is a time in which the main topic of your discussions will be that of honesty, loyalty, devotion. It is possible you will encounter much ignorance around you (from your perspective) and this can cause you many headaches. Do not go back to old things, look for the new "truth".
The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
28 ° Gemini - 4 ° Cancer
is a time when things around you will calm down. If you have had tense situations, some impatience to urgently push on everything, in these days you will take a relaxed position. You will easily overcome the temptation to pressure. Or you will feel some stagnation, but you won’t have any desire to disturb it. It will be one of those slack periods in which it is good to spend some time.

The period 20th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
13 ° - 19 ° Leo
is a time in which it is possible that you will show a profound arrogance or meet it outside, from someone else. Anyway, be careful about what you say. Stay honest and impartial. This will win you the respect you need.

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
0 ° - 5 ° Virgo
is a time in which you may find yourself in an unusual number of conflict situations. Situations requiring clarification and suppression of tension. You may also have the desire to escape because of the feeling that you cannot cope. The direct escape is not always the best solution. Look for other ways to "escape".

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
4 ° - 9 ° Libra
is a time when you may follow the strategy that attack is the best protection. You may find yourself in a situation where you will have to show your natural instinct for self preservation. And you might have to resort to unusual, for you, methods and approaches.

The period 15th to 25th January for people who have a planet in the area:
23 ° - 28 ° Sagittarius,
is a time in which you feel the need to seek incentives for some of your five senses. For you physical movement, a change in environment, listening to different sounds, are the source for achieving stability and development. The journey - the physical, mental and emotional one - will bring some benefit and just what you are missing in order to arrange solve "puzzle".

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
26 ° Capricorn - 2 ° Aquarius,
is a time when your life imposes some restrictions on you. You will surrender in one form or another. This may turn towards depression and thoughts about it being unfair. But accepting that it was useless to fight against change, which goes through some initial limitation, but is necessary, is a sign of profound maturity. Restrictions that you are forced to accept are necessary in order to bring a new order and look to "your old house."

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which you may encounter many negative emotions. Things to which you aspire, will probably remain at arm's length, and this may cause you sadness and negative emotions. The power to eliminate them is inside you, it is not in others.

The period 25th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
13 ° - 18 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which it is possible to seek solitude, in order to put your thoughts together, to arrange some information gathered. Or you may want to get attention through aggressive behavior that will provoke others, to feel connected to them. Whatever the case may be, use it to get to the interesting stories that you will carefully keep. Or you give someone access to your story, or to some, valuable for the other person, information.

The period 25th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
19 ° - 24 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which you may look for intimacy with another person for the satisfaction of your needs. You may be rejected or your needs may not be met, if you don't patiently wait for the other to offer you some options.

The period 20th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
25 ° - 30 ° Aquarius,
is a time in which your thoughts and discussions will revolve around your deep desires. You may go through the whole gamut of emotions in literally a few days. Whatever happens, do not react extremely – you have a chance to gain some valuable experience in a very short time. And you may get rid of some intrusive internal impulses.

The period 15th to 31st January for people who have a planet in the area:
22 ° - 28 ° Pisces
is a time in which you may feel some lack of inspiration. You may feel blocked and that does not allow you to undertake or do anything. You may feel "empty". Not because of some external constraints, but for the lack of internal impulse to act. Do not be intimidated by such stagnation and do not start any activity, if you lack the "muse". It has this tendency to come and go.


Tags: Galy astrological forecast for January planets individual horoscope zodiac signs astro school
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