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Turmoil in Hellenic Seaways

15 June 2013 / 16:06:06  GRReporter
3434 reads

A fire broke out on the passenger ferry "Nisos Mykonos", which was located in the sea area between Evdilos and Karlovasi. The ship was carrying 248 people, including 174 passengers, according to the Ministry of Merchant Marine. The fire was quickly put under control and extinguished. The passengers were transferred to the ship "Panagia Theotokos" and taken to Karlovasi on the island of Samos.

According to ERT’s correspondent in Samos, the passengers, including 15 foreigners, were also wearing lifejackets for further security measures. There were 4 other ships and 2 smaller vessels in the area, too.

The ship was immobilised, without motors, since thick smoke and flames were coming out of the funnel near the engine room of the ship. The head of the harbour in Samos has boarded the ship and is now coordinating the situation. Conditions in the area between Samos and Ikaria are good.

The company Hellenic Seaways issued the following message:

"Hellenic Seaways would like to report that a fire broke out in the funnel of the ship" Nisos Mykonos", while it was sailing to Samos. Crew members have put the fire under control. The ship was carrying 174 passengers, travelling to Karlovasi, as well as 37 cars. Passengers and crew members are feeling fine and in good health."

The Hellenic Coast Guard also issued a statement informing that when the fire broke out in the engine room, crew members took measures to extinguish it with materials at hand. The ship was on its route Piraeus-Syros-Mykonos-Evdilos-Karlovasi-Vathi. It departed at 3:20 p.m. from Evdilos to Karlovasi with 247 people on board (173 passengers and 74 crew members), 32 cars, 3 motorcycles and 10 trucks. There were mild northwest winds in the area and waves were reaching 3 on the Beaufort scale. The head of the harbour in Samos, as well as nearby vessels - 4 cargo ships and a passenger vessel, immediately headed for the place of the fire. 5 passengers (4 women and 1 man) had respiratory problems and were immediately taken to Vathi. The other passengers were boarded on the ship "Panagia Theotokos" and were taken to Samos. The Ministry of the Merchant Marine and Aegean Sea, in cooperation with the shipping company assured that ships will continue sailing on this route without interruption for passengers’ convenience. Competent departments have undertaken the investigation of the causes and conditions that led to the outbreak of the fire.


Meanwhile it was announced that Giannis Vardinogiannis has resigned as chairman of the Board of Hellenic Seaways "in the interests of the company and its shareholders." As he noted in his statement on the issue, "at a time when the company is in negotiations with bank creditors for the restructuring of its debt and making efforts to overcome the effects of the crisis, the future of one of the most important Greek Aegean companies cannot be endangered by fantastic scenarios that hide offensive strategies." He also noted that Hellenic Seaways was Greece's largest shipping company and would remain the largest for everybody involved in its management. Its shareholders who believe in the future of the company make every effort to ensure that this will happen.

Tags: fire shipping company Hellenic Seaways Giannis Vardinogiannis
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