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There is a different Greece willing to work, create and prosper

20 February 2012 / 20:02:55  GRReporter
14349 reads

"Yesterday I had enough of crap like, "Shame on them, they should write off this debt. "Well, but nobody has put a gun to our head to borrow so much money. When a large part is being written off, requiring guarantees that they will get the rest is quite natural. If we pay back the money, the guarantees will not be threatened. If we have again decided to swallow it up, then I am sorry. Another issue is that Europe should not have left Greece get to this state, after years of exceeding all the statutory indicators for the size of the debt. They should have taken measures not to smile at Karamanlis, just because they were from the same party. They should have checked whether the money was used for the projects. Of course, Europe is operating on the principle of trust between the states and cannot have control authorities check whether a country is cheating or not. So, we should not be bothered by the fact that memoranda are voted and the supervisory Troika comes to the country. Because we ourselves should have made our own memorandum. It is not Wolfgang Schaeuble’s fault that we have not made a Property Register for so many years and the result is state property seized by anyone. It is now Angela Merkel’s fault that we gave pensions to 14,000 dead people and nobody thought to check who that man was, who had reached the age of 112 years and walked by himself to receive his pension. We gave pensions to the daughters of civil servants, who have not worked a day and salaries to the amount of 6,000 euro to heads of small railway stations in the country, given that the state railways OSE bilks the state every day out of one million euro. We ourselves have done these tragic things."

According to Thanos Tzimeros, parties are "mechanisms of fraud and corruption and salvation cannot come through small fixes. It is necessary to demolish the whole system and re-create it again." Asked whether he is optimistic, he firmly replied, "I am a fighter."

Tags: PoliticsReCreate GreecePartyThanos TzimerosPolitical systemReformsChange
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